52: Confessions Pt.2

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Dallas's POV
"You're friends with Melody, right?" Shit.

My mind was spiraling, full of worms wiggling through my mind, did he know? Was I about to be pulled into the basement and interrogated? Melody and I were far from friends, we could never be friends, she was everything to me, the reason I breathe, the reason on so many occasions why I continued fighting. She was the way the stars aligned, her and I. She was the light in the sky, she was my everything, my sweet Bambi, my forever everything.

"Yeah... we're friends. Why?" I asked, hesitantly, wondering where this could go. I needed to know what this was leading to, before I lost my mind and ended up telling him everything that Melody and I had done. Every single thing, and he wouldn't like it, but the guilt was killing me now. I couldn't imagine if some guy had done this with Vi, how angry I would be, he deserved to know. He deserved to beat the crap out of me and I would allow him, knowing I've ruined us far more chances than I've fixed us.

"I'm worried about her... I don't know. She's so strong, you should've seen her when I first met her, she's always been an independent person. She doesn't trust people easily". He said, his voice aligning with everything I had known. She doesn't accept help, she believes this world should be conquered by herself, rather than with friends, family and help. She is the image of independence, her asking for help only when she truly has done everything she can to achieve her task. And most of the time that's above and beyond even for her.

"I just worry for her. This year hasn't been the easiest for her adjusting to all of this". He said, his large emphasizing on the words this, as if adjusting to this life alone. I hadn't known much about Mel's life, her childhood, but I knew her parents died.

"I just want to know if she's okay.  I mean she keeps letting people in just for them to tear her down. That douchebag, Zeke. I knew there was something off about him". Nolan said, his words becoming more loose and free, he was letting go of too much, but I needed to know. I needed to know what that feeling was, because I had felt it all my life about that son of a bitch.

The look on Zeke's face, once he had realized what he had done made me see him for the real lowlife he had been, and I never treated him the same again. My father went through manic episodes, especially his prime fame. He was wandering around the area near the other log cabins, we had been out looking for him, he had been gone for hours. And then we found him, beaten to the brink of death. Zeke mouthing off about some homeless man that was just walking the streets and they had beat them up, it was my father that they had beaten up. I saw him doing it, as Liam pulled him off and I held my father. Zeke was apologetic then, after realizing it was my father, but I wouldn't take his crap. Who beats up homeless men, who lets them wilt away in the freezing rain, my whole life I resented ever calling Zeke my friend.

That's why I coined the name golden boy for him, he seemed perfect, he seemed to have not a single touch on him, but he was just good at covering it up, preparing his image for the public like it's his life's work.

"I've been an idiot. I wasn't paying attention enough, I could've stopped him... if I had paid more attention". He murmured, his words getting lost in his emotions as I looked at him endearingly.

"Stopped him from what?" I asked, wanting an answer, on what made him hate Zeke so much.

"He is horrible. He's been an idiot ever since he came back from wherever he came from. He told her shit, and forced words into her mouth and she's been so scared to say anything. He hurt her so much... he has been calling her names, he's been treating her like shit, and she was so scared, she was so scared to even say anything. He denied her when she tried to break up with him, twice. He scared her, that was how much of an asshole he was". He said, his words locking into my brain. His words I only knew to be true, but they had totally blindsided me, my anger towards Melody. My anger overridden the fact that she was scared, scared of the world, scared of planes, scared of him. I saw her face that day, everyday he showed up and I ignored it.

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