30: The Girl Pt.2

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"I think I'm gonna head out", I told Dallas as the chatter in the room continued and he was trying to sort through the other movies.

"I'm sorry, Bambi. I didn't know they were going to play that", he said hushed, between us as I felt a pair of eyes on us.

"Just stay, they'll be gone soon", he said, as if us together was some secret to be hidden. I felt dirty, being here. I should've fallen asleep with Vi. The night would've ended up on a good note as I slept, not knowing any of this going on beneath me.

"I don't think I should-", I told him, pleading with him. I knew I didn't need his permission to go home, I didn't need to hear him begging me to stay.

"Are you trying to leave already?" A voice chimed in, filled with snark as she glared at me.

"It's getting late", I told Lillian, hoping she wouldn't ploy further, she would just let me go.

"Come on, just stay for one game", she pleaded, but I knew her intention, she was ready to put me in place. I could see it in her eyes, as she moved closer to Dallas, stroking his cheek just like he had done to me upstairs.

"Mel if you're tired, just pull a sleeping bag from the closet and you can sleep in Vi's room", he told me calmly, as Lillian rolled her eyes.

I nodded my head, and lingered in the area. It was embarrassing for him to go in this way of trying to defend me, I knew it was his way of caring. I think he knew I wasn't good at speaking what I really wanted to say.

"One game, that's all I'm asking, don't wanna be a sore loser", Lillian whispered into my ear, as Dallas rolled his eyes. He wouldn't have heard it, but he saw my expression slip. So I stayed, I wasn't sure for who. For me or him. I knew one thing, I would be sleeping on the ground tonight.

"Lillian, don't be a stuck up bitch", Addie said to her as she moved across the room. Lillian piped down, her exaggeration of playing a game as we all sat in the corner. Lillian leaned against Dallas, while the other couples did the same.

Addie was talking about her and Liam's relationship, discussing how they came to be and I was just happy that she was taking my mind off of Lillian's wandering hands.

"What about you, seeing anyone?" She said, quite loudly. As I wondered whether to say something or not, Zeke and I were over. I had told him I never wanted to see him again, that was enough for a breakup, right?

"I had a boyfriend", I said, I got it off my chest as I felt a blundering set of eyes on me. Liam had overheard too, as his eyes shot up to Dallas's.

"No way, you broke up with Zeke?" He said loudly, pointing the focus on the room to me, to my quivering answer.

Dallas's eyes were painted on me, watching my every move. It was as if he felt like he deserved an answer, as if he needed one.

"Zeke and I... we just didn't work", I said simply, as Dallas seemed annoyed now, as he moved Lillian's head off of his shoulder and began to get up.

Everyone's attention shifted to Lillian, who had also gotten up to bring some drinks for everyone. Dallas got up and made his way towards me, he signaled for me to follow him. His hand sat on my hand, pulling me with him.

We went out the front door and to the side of the house, as his hand still stayed on mine.

"You broke up with him?" He asked, as I nodded my head, and he seemed overjoyous.

"How come you didn't tell me?" He asked a question I didn't know how to answer. I didn't want to answer it. He would connect the dots, of the accident, of me not going to school, of my bruises. He would know.

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