22: An Ugly Beast Pt.2

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But it was ruined, just like everything that came with us. Wrong timing, it what we were made for, he was just about to say life changing words.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He stared in disbelief at Dallas and I. But his question wasn't made for Dallas, it was made for me. His tone was just as he spoke to me that night earlier, I wished I didn't have to experience this in front of Dallas.

He pulled my shirt back inside the window, and I moved with him climbing up the roof and in the window, jumping into the house. His eyes were furious, filled with disappointment, it was me who dissatisfied and disappointed him.

"Don't you dare see him again", his finger was brought to my face, as if he was scolding me. I had a foster mom that would do the same thing she ended up getting arrested for smashing her kids into a vase. I remembered that as if it was fresh on my mind. He brought his finger back into my face, and his voice was so close to where I could feel his breath, not in a good way. I could feel his harsh words, and all I felt was so small, and cornered into the small depths of the room.

"She can do whatever she wants", Dallas intervened. And I wished he hadn't. I knew it would just be worse, when Zeke and I were alone. He would ask me questions of why Dallas was defending me in the first place. And those were ones I couldn't answer.

"Dallas, just leave alright, we're having a private conversation", Zeke spoke with almost respect for Dallas. He used to respect me, as an individual, even a human now I wondered what he saw of me.

Dallas noticed the change in tone he used, with himself and then with me. He was more calm, more careful of what he said, but with me it was as if no filter was needed, as if he really really hated me.

"Since when has that ever stopped someone?" He stood in the middle of us both, his height towering over Zeke and I.

"Just leave, I'm not talking to you", Zeke turned to face Dallas, watching him assert himself into this situation. And I was given the opportunity to breathe, truly breathe without eyes on me.

"So you're mad at her, but not me. Okay, I see how it is you're an asshole and a shitty boyfriend, what other things can you fail at?" Dallas taunted him, but Zeke held himself back. Asserting that respect he had, but if I ever said anything like that, I would probably be dead and stuffed into the trunk of his car.

Dallas wasn't wrong, he was a horrible boyfriend. Anybody could top him.

"Don't say another word", Zeke ordered, still using that calm tone, and I had never heard it before. He seemed to just assert himself in front of me, maybe he knew I wouldn't fight back, I wouldn't say anything back, but just let him control everything and everyone.

"You don't sound so serious. So let's make this serious for you, scram and I'll leave you without a scratch", Dallas teased him and Zeke immediately backed down, not that he ever was ready to fight Dallas.

"Don't ". Zeke murmured, almost whimpering. I had seen Dallas get into a couple of fights here and there, but he wasn't a violent person. Last year someone was making fun of his mother, while he could care less about her, he still cared for her, even after everything. That guy never came back to school again, and Dallas walked in the next day with a bandaged hand last year.

"Then I suggest you take your things, and leave. Your drunk anyways", Dallas pushed Zeke back closer to the door.

"Come on Mel, come", Zeke extended his hand, as I knew the likelihood that it would only explode more in my face if I didn't go. So I followed him, but Dallas pulled me back. I think he could tell the uneasiness in my eyes.

"I should go", I told Dallas and he let go, touching over his hand, he barely touched me, even in short instances. He always froze up, whenever I touched him or he touched me.

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