05: The Summer Bash Pt.2

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"Fuck, we've gotta go", he said running further into the woods, pulling me with him. His hand latched onto my forearm, pulling me whichever way he swayed.

"Where are we going?", I asked after he had slowed down, his hand still attached to mine.

"My mom's cabin is down here", he said, pushing branches that fell in our way, I had hoped he wasn't lost in the woods that would soon become pitch dark.

"You have a cabin here, I thought that was yours, where the party was?", I asked just out of curiosity.

"That's Liam's, my mom's cabin is right over the bend here", he said clearing the situation up, and I nodded my head still shocked with how I had even came to this party tonight.

"So we're laying low here, Liam grabbed my car when he left from the back entrance so the cops wouldn't run the plates, he'll drop it off tomorrow", the cabin soon approached in the middle of the clearing.

The cabin was more like a real life mansion, it was large and strikingly high. The front looked just as comfy as some of my foster homes, with a rocking chair right in front. Dallas's hand was still wrapped around mine as he took his other hand and inserted a key which unlocked the front door.

I stepped into the dusty atmosphere and all of a sudden it hit me, I don't know why I had come this far. I couldn't stay here, I just couldn't.

"I can't stay here", I said out loud as he pulled the curtains back. He looked at me unbelieving words were coming out of my mouth. I knew that this house would soon be filled with the smell of his ashy cigarettes, something I couldn't stand to be around. It reminded me of him, the damage he caused, the pain he cast onto me and how much he had hurt Natalie.

"Why? Your mom knows me, and she would probably rather have you stay here than call a cab in the middle of the night", he said, wanting me to stay, he couldn't possibly care about my safety, he was Dallas Grant. He didn't care, he used it as a game. It was all a game to him.

"She wouldn't if she knew how disgusting you are", I spat back at him, as he looked surprised by my sudden need to argue with him, to challenge him.

"Oh yeah, what else am I?", he asked, edging himself closer to me. His breath could be smelled, it smelled of tequila, another favorite smell of Daniel's. Every intoxicating thing Daniel did lingered around that smell.

"You're a pig, a sexist-", I began muttering out every hateful word I could think of. If he hadn't stopped me I knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

"How could I be a sexist, I love women all kinds, shapes, sizes, colors. I am a woman lover", he said smoothly, his voice reeked of cockiness.

"You treat women like objects", I told him, which I knew was true, maybe he hadn't heard anyone say that before to him. Maybe he hadn't realized it himself.

"I do not, I treat them with loving care like how if you were staying here I would've let you sleep in the bed", he said proudly, as if that made a big difference.

"If I was staying where else would I sleep?", I asked, hypothetically of course, just wondering where he was trying to land me.

"On the ground, see I'm being nice", he said as he opened the rest of the curtains, and the last remaining sunlight hit the beautiful flooring and fixtures in the house.

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