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looking at her felt like my world was spinning.

who knew a single human being could make you feel everything all at once?

i didn't get it at first

...and i still don't really understand it now, so that hasn't really changed.

but even so, it doesn't really matter if i get it or not.

because i don't mind.

she's the only one who can make me pour out my feelings like this. she's the one that makes me feel things that i can't feel with anyone else.

i knew it from the second i met her.


maybe this is my second
i want her to know
this time.


"come here, kyu." i waved my arm, motioning her to come over to where i was so that she could enjoy the ice rink as well.

she got up and waddled towards the the rink, opening the little door that divided the dry area from the ice.

my eyes widened when i remembered that she has barely any skating experience besides the lessons she took way back then. but when i saw her step foot on the rink while looking stable, a feeling of relief took place in my stomach, exhaling away the worry.

she looked at me with a bright smile and i swear that in just a few seconds, i could hear my heart beat loud and clear.

i smiled back softly, but not for long because as she was skating towards me, her balance quickly got wobbly,

causing her to fall back on her ass...

i stifled a chuckle at the look of confusion on her face. she looked at me with a small pout. i knew she was going to get up in a few seconds, but for some reason, i didn't want her to.

so i quickly skated towards her, making a sharp stop in front of her. the shaved ice that shot up into the air from my glides quickly got her attention. i wasn't too close to the point that it'd surprise her and hit her in the face, but distant enough so that she'd get some sort of mist.

she watched it as if it was her first time seeing snow. i have yet to see how many expressions this girl can make.

i want to be the first one to see those new expressions.

the only one who knows what she looks like in certain events. i want to know her so well and boast about it to the point that people will go around knowing how close we are.

i want her.

i've always wanted her.

i snapped out of my thoughts and bent down a bit, holding an arm out so that she could grab it.

she quickly got ahold of my hand, helping herself up before i let go so that i could hold both of her hands and pull her towards me.

she was about to slip, but since i was there, she just slammed against my chest.

i grunted for a second before we shared a few chuckles.

i looked down at her. her pink nose and flushed face, her lips that reddened from the cold...

it was almost as if someone was controlling me. there was something pulling me closer to her.

at first i thought it was her, but it was just my own doing.

i went in to lightly kiss her forehead. she shut her eyes closed from the sudden move, which made me smirk after.


but can i really
deliver it even without
using words?


she looked at me with a surprised look before slowly moving her hand to gently touch her forehead. her lips parted and it was probably the funniest expression i've seen from her.

she realized what face she was making before puffing up her cheeks, trying to suppress her laughter. i averted my stare and looked to the side, also trying to hide my laughter.

but when i looked back at her, that was enough to make us both laugh. i wanted to take a picture of this moment and cherish it forever.

i had her right in front of me, on the ice, just like before. this time i'm handling her with care.

i don't care how many mistakes and do-overs i'll get, i'm willing to do this as many times as i have to just to get her to look at me with that smile.

i hadn't realized that we were staring at each other for a while now after we calmed down from laughing. she quickly averted her gaze and turned, letting go and gliding on the ice.

she lost her balance a few times, which worried me, but she laughed it off. "catch me if you can sunghoon!" she yelled.

she slowly got the hang of it, and i began following behind her slowly. it was quite funny because she still got scared, even while knowing that it wasn't my normal speed.

that day, hours flew by like minutes. it was just us two on the ice, going in circles over and over again.

if we somehow got stuck here, i honestly don't think i'd mind it.

because with her, i seem to forget about my surroundings. she's at the center of my attention.

she's always been.

get together alrdy 🥱

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