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he watched them hug as if they were such close friends. hugging after the other had done a great job in one of their events.

he watched as she smiled and laughed with her other friends.

he had no idea if it was fake or not. all he was thinking about was the fact that she genuinely looked like she was enjoying herself.

soon enough, the sports festival was coming to an end.

how great was that?

maybe it would've been a little bit nice if he hadn't been so preoccupied on being jealous, wishing that he was in jungwon's place right now.

these thoughts were bothering him the whole day and he just let it. he didn't care if his class won or not, or about the after dinner they were going to have, nor did he care about celebrating with anyone.

he was only thinking about himself right now. he couldn't push these feelings aside even for a bit. plus, what was there to celebrate?

the fucking eyesore he got from staring at them so much?



"should i dress up? there's nothing fancy to wear anyway." namkyu pouted, asking her brother who was on her bed while she dug in her closet for something to wear.

junkyu just shrugged, "hm.. is noona's boyfriend going?" the boy asked, laying down as he held his book up high.

this only caused namkyu's eyes to widen, "h-hey! i already told you, we aren't a thing anymore." she replied, embarrassed.

"oh right, so it really is over." junkyu sighed in disappointment, turning to his side.

namkyu nodded, smiling before she turned to him. "this, or this?" she held up two outfits, hoping to distract him from the previous topic.

junkyu looked at both of them, observing them carefully before choosing the less fancy outfit. it was as if he was playing episode and had ran out of diamonds.

namkyu stared at the fit that he chose, raising her brow in confusion. "seriously?" namkyu asked. well, it was one of the options, he didn't understand why she reacted that way.

"you let me choose!" junkyu shot back, sulking before he turned around and stuffed his faced into her pillow.

namkyu just chuckled, "i know, i know. i'm just messing with you." she smiled, putting the other one back. the outfit he picked was still nice. it was simple and neat, not too fancy, but also not too boring.

the girl looked at herself in the mirror while hovering the clothes against her, seeing how it'd look. it cracked a smile on her face before she shook her head. "alright, get outta my room mister." she told her brother, kicking him out.

he only groaned before lazily falling off her bed and dramatically dragging his feet on his way out, shutting the door right after.

once he was out, she began getting ready. it wasn't long until the banquet was gonna start. it also felt like a graduation in a way before the long break. she fixed herself up until it was time to go, making her hair neat and touching up her face with simple makeup.

makeup as in, lip tint and mascara.

she wasn't familiar with anything else, since she was basically always barefaced.

once she exited her room, she saw her brother colouring on the dining table while her mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. it was about to be dinner and she had to leave her house soon if she wanted to be on time.

her mom noticed the girl who was all dressed up, knowing where she had to be. "want me to drive you, hun?"

namkyu quickly declined with no hesitation, "it's alright mom, i can... walk?" she replied, a bit unsure with herself.

"junkyu, could you grab my keys on the table?" her mom asked. the boy replied with a quick "yup" before doing as he was told.

"w-wait! gahh.. nevermind." she said, already watching her mom turn off the stove while putting a lid on the pot, a bit tilted so the stew could breathe or whatever. she wasn't sure what that did, but she always did it.

the boy tossed the keys to his mom once she washed her hands clean. they headed out front and got into their car. "where is it?" her mom inserted the key to start up the car, then propping her device on the phone mount.

namkyu just took her mom's phone and typed the address onto her gps app. "there."

"you excited?" her mom asked as she was backing up the car, in which namkyu nodded hesitantly. "well, i mean of course." the tone in her voice sounded unsure.

her mom grew concerned, "you're all dressed up and cute, why do you sound like you've got mixed feelings?" she asked, glancing at her daughter while still focusing on driving.

it's actually been a while since she's spoken to her mom about her problems. so, it was a bit awkward? well, she wouldn't exactly consider it awkward, but since it didn't happen so often, she wasn't used to being so open and honest with her mom.

the girl deeply sighed, "i mean, i was looking forward to it— i still am, it's just that it feels like i'm going alone." she admitted.

as her mom was about to ask why, her brother in the backseat beat her to it. "is it jihyun?" he asked, hitting bullseye.

namkyu shortly chuckled, "how'd you know?"

"just guessed!" he replied, feeling proud of himself as a big smile made it's way onto his lips.

"what happened, did you two get into a fight?" her mom asked worriedly, which she immediately shook her head.

"no, no! we didn't fight. never." she chuckled, turning to the window before sighing again, "she just told me she's not going anymore, for... whatever reason. that's why i'm a bit bummed, but it's fine i guess."

her mom shortly smiled while looked ahead, taking one hand off the steering wheel and ruffling namkyu's hair, "you'll have fun nevertheless. don't worry hun."

namkyu shut her eyes while she did that, getting a bit angry at her mom, "mom! my hair!" she groaned, laughing a bit right after while fixing it.

she smiled at the fact that her mom would still have time to listen to her feelings despite not being present at home most of the time. she liked knowing that her mom cared, even if the problem was so minor.

"what else, now that we're talking?" her mom asked, "i know you've got some things you wanna talk about." she then smirked look at the girl for a mere second, "maybe a boyfriend?"

this made namkyu choke on her own spit, "oh uh..." she chuckled awkwardly, rubbing her nape. "boyfriend? no." she laughed again.

"what about sunghoon?" junkyu asked out loud from the backseat, acting oblivious when namkyu gives him that threatening stare.

"sunghoon??" her mom repeated, looking at her rear view mirror to look at the boy in the back, glancing back at namkyu. "the one from your skating lesson's..?"

namkyu just sighed, "yeah. him."

"did you see him recently?" she asked, "i wonder how much he's grown." her mom then laughs at the thought, remembering the boy in her memory.

the sweat started increasing, namkyu hasn't told her mom about him at all.

"well, he transferred here about 2 months ago..."

a/n: 😭😭😭😭

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