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i think i hate him as much as i like him.

and i only hate him because of how much i like him.

but... i think we all know that by now.


i whispered. my arms were around him as well, grabbing the clothing on his back tighter.

he just hummed in response, continuing to brush my hair down with his hand.

i didn't know why i couldn't let go, but i knew i didn't want to worry about that right now.

just blame it on the soju...

this was a hug i didn't know i yearned so much for until now.

overtime, my hands started to get colder because of the rain, so i began to let go.

my arms fell to my sides and sunghoon noticed. he pulled back and looked at me.

it felt like my eyes were struggling to stay open. i didn't want to move from my spot either.

"kyu?" he tilted his head in confusion.

i didn't look up at him, but i responded.
"i'm tired..."

i rubbed my eyes for a few seconds and once i opened them, i saw him getting down with his back facing towards me. i stared cluelessly for a few seconds before he turned his head to the side,

"what are you doing? aren't you tired? get on already." he 'tsk'd, swatting his hand from behind so that i could get a move on.

all i did was laugh, and then i laughed more.

i laughed for quite a bit before finally hopping on his back again, comfortably nuzzling my face on his shoulder to feel the warmth of his body. i felt a small smile forming on my lips as i wrapped my arms around him tightly.

i really do like him...

by the time i opened my eyes, he was already setting me down. we were at what seemed to be a bus stop, but not really. it was just a small shelter area to stay dry from the rain.

he had his phone out already while i stood awkwardly. he then turned his head to check on me.

"sit down on the bench behind you, i'm getting us a ride."

i looked behind me and to no surprise, i saw the bench. i sat down and leaned back, hands sitting on my lap as i waited. "wait... what's going to happen to the others? we just left them there."

"dont worry about them. i called an older friend to pick them up when i went to the bathroom. they're all drunk out of their minds." he sighed deeply, taking a seat beside me while his eyes were still glued to his phone.

i furrowed my brows in confusion, "so why did you storm out and drag me along?"

he let out a low chuckle, "that car wouldn't be able to fit all of us, kyu." he paused for a second before looking at me, "and i'd hate for you to be squished against anyone else but me."

the eye contact didn't break for a few seconds before i finally forced myself to look away, quickly throwing my hand up to cover my mouth.

"jeez... you're so weird sunghoon." i muttered. i was freaking out so much on the inside. did he really just say that? seriously?

"am i?" he asked, hoping for me to repeat.

all i did was hum before telling him to be quiet because i was going to sleep as an excuse to escape this conversation. he just went along with it.

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