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"gym? pushed up to second block in the morning?" namkyu asked with her arms crossed, slightly worried.

jihyun nodded, putting her arm around namkyu, "yup. i guess our teacher badly wants us to be the best class for the sports festival."

namkyu sighed, "it's not even about winning, shouldn't we just have fun?" the girl walked over to her desk, "it's better like that anyway."

jihyun chuckled, removing her arm off the girl, "you're right, but i bet you're just saying that because you think you have no chance against the other classes." she teased.

"correct." namkyu uttered, causing the other to burst into laughter.

they continued talking since the bell hadn't rung yet. she was having a fun conversation until she noticed a boy creeping up behind her friend.

"boo!" the boy jumped at jihyun, hands on her shoulders.

jihyun gasped, quickly frowning after and hitting him, "go away niki." she rolled her eyes.

namkyu watched as niki laughed at her expression. he was teasing her but they both were enjoying it. he threw his arm around her shoulder and started making small talk about whatever.

jungwon suddenly appeared in her head, remembering what he said about niki. her view on him was slowly changing. before, she didn't even utter a word to these people, but now she's suddenly having reasons to like or dislike them.

how could niki act like he was sorry when he planned this whole thing. what kind of person did he see her as?

a loser?

a freak?

out of all people, he chose her as the victim of the dare.

and it made her feel terrible about herself.

am i that weird?

she stared at him more, spacing out and remembering that day he finally confronted her about it.

she remembered that fake look of pity he had for her.

"i'm sorry about this, you must feel terrible." said niki.

no shit.

she didn't like him.

she didn't like any of them.

they are all a bunch of immature guys who think playing around with peoples feeling's is funny.

"you two acting all lovey dovey is sickening to look at." a voice said, "do it somewhere else, even namkyu's getting weirded out." he chuckled, teasingly poking niki's hip where he's ticklish.

namkyu snapped out of her thoughts, looking at the boy who interrupted.

"jungwon, since when did you start butting into things?" jihyun asked, "and don't ever call us a couple." she gagged, making niki eye her strangely.

"mhm, whatever." jungwon chuckled, teasing the both of them before taking a sneaky look at namkyu.

namkyu stood up slowly and decided to leave that area. she didn't know where she was going, but she just knew she didn't want to be around any of them.

before she could leave, jungwon stopped her, "where are you going?" he asked curiously, forgetting about the two next to him.

she looked side to side then at him, "oh, um... the bathroom?" she replied, avoiding eye contact.

✓ dare to date? | park sunghoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora