Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 Oh oh, ore to make fire, finally there is a wilderness request...

    In the end, the other three female guests stayed in the village, and then the remaining male guests, together with Peng Chen, left the village and walked towards the back mountain.

    This was the first time that Peng Chen and his group entered the mountain after they came to this deserted village. Not only were they excited, but they were also excited about taking pictures. Oops, finally some fresh material to shoot.

    As I said before, this village was built because of mining, so there are traces of mining around the village. Small ore and so on.

    Everyone walked slowly along the mountain road. It was relatively easy to walk in the beginning, but it gradually became difficult to walk.

    Peng Chen said before that he would come out to date, but Jiang Siyan still thought that there were so many people present, and there were also photographers, how can this be discussed? But at this moment, he understood that it was only natural for a man to take care of a woman when walking on such a mountain road, so it was also natural for him to hold hands generously in front of the camera.

    So on the next short section of the mountain road, Jiang Siyan, who was walking in front of Peng Chen, would go wherever the road was difficult. Anyway, if he had the conditions, he would hold a small hand, and if he didn't have the conditions, he would also hold a small hand.     It may be because of the added love buff, anyway, they were very lucky that day, they only found a kind of wild fruit called myrtle after walking around the mountain for less than 2 hours. The fruit is purple-red, tastes sweet and sour, very delicious.     Several people ate a lot on the mountain, and then excitedly picked a lot and packed them back to the village.     Chu Yaxin and Wen Qing were bored waiting at home, seeing Peng Chen and the others coming back with a big bag of wild fruits, they were all overjoyed. It's been a long time since I ate fruit, and suddenly being able to eat fruit, even wild fruit, made this group of people very happy.     It may be because today is a little more full than usual, so everyone's minds are relaxed this day, thinking about whether they can do something to improve the living environment.

    Now they still have a piece of raw ham in their hands. This thing cannot be eaten raw, but if there is fire, it is definitely the best delicacy that can be eaten in this deserted village. So a group of people discussed it and decided to try to see if they could start the fire.

    At the beginning, everyone thought of drilling wood to make fire. After all, didn’t the ancestors use this method to obtain fire?

    But Peng Chen quickly stopped their idea: "It is very difficult to drill wood to make fire. It takes a lot of energy, and it may take a long time to work hard, but what you get in the end is not kindling, but blisters on your hands. If you really want to try If so, why not give this a try."

    After Peng Chen finished speaking, he took out two pieces of ore and a handful of fluffy fungus-like plants from his pocket.

    The ore was picked up casually on the way up the mountain just now, and this fungus is a fungus plant that grows on trees. Peng Chen also forgot where he saw it before. Anyway, this kind of dry fungus that grows on trees is an excellent fire starter, and usually only needs a spark to ignite it. So when Peng Chen saw it on the mountain just now, he asked Jiang Siyan to help pick a handful. Thinking that it might come in handy sometime.

    Now I heard people say that they want to try to make fire by drilling wood, and she thinks that instead of wasting that effort, she might as well try rubbing with ore to see if she can make sparks. Anyway, the hope is very slim, at least this is not as troublesome as digging wood to make fire, and there is no loss if it fails, just find something to pass the time.

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