Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    After the performance of the theme song, the contestants in the resurrection competition simply cheered up the contestants who participated in the finals tonight, canvassed votes, and then left the competition scene one after another.

    Afterwards, several guest performers performed on stage one by one.

    The first to play is the feather. The child Yu Yu looks a bit like the little brother who came out of the comics. First of all, his skin is extremely white, and secondly, he has a little curly hair. It can be seen that although he is not very old, he is still very popular. Anyway, when he appeared, the group of young audience behind Peng Chen turned into groundhogs, and the screams of ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ear.

    After the feather went down, Xueyin appeared.

    Peng Chen has seen Xueyin's dance scene twice, but he couldn't help being moved once he saw it once. He felt that the beautiful young lady who can dance is really cool! But after thinking about it, she herself is such a beautiful young lady who can dance, so she instantly became happier watching it.

    The last guest performers were Ning Meng and Zero. These two people also created the first small climax of tonight's final night, because they actually went on stage and performed the song "Green Tea" together. When the familiar melody of "Green Tea" sounded on the stage, the cameraman was very afraid that the world would be chaotic and cut the scene to Peng Chen, so Peng Chen's delicate eyebrows and eyes appeared on the big screen.

    For a moment, Peng Chen didn't know what expression to make, so he had to silently give the camera an awkward yet polite smile.

    Yu Fei also performed the song "Green Tea" on the stage of "Girl Chasing the Light" before, but Yu Fei is obviously not as open as zero, otherwise he would not have forgotten the lyrics.

    When zero sang "Green Tea" on the stage, he sang happily, jumping up and down, and he was very happy in it. After all, such magical and brainwashing lyrics are so fun to sing! In fact, he never told Peng Chen that a group of rappers went to ktv in private, and "Green Tea" has always been their repertoire.

    In short, after these few performers finished their performances, the venue was completely heated up, and the competition officially started.

    The competition system of the final is to compete for the debut position in the team competition first, and then compete for the C position in the individual competition.

    Because the final was broadcast live simultaneously on Xiaolu TV and Xiaolu TV, the big screen directly opened the live and online simultaneous voting channel. The audience can directly use the voting device in their hands to vote for their favorite players, and netizens can vote for their favorite players online by scanning the QR code at the bottom right of the big screen.

    The order of each group's appearance is determined by drawing lots, so the first to appear is the second group of players.

    Their group is singing rock and roll, so they are all dressed in cool clothes. Even Cai Yunyun, who has always been dressed as a little lady, broke through herself today and changed into a black short T-shirt with black shorts and black hot pants. The original long hair Her hair is also braided, and with smoky makeup and over-the-knee boots, she looks like a very cool chick.

    Of course, Yang Cancan was the most eye-catching one, because Yang Cancan was very bold in wearing a black one-piece suit, looking extremely hot. As for another member of the group, Su Yu, although she hasn't changed as much as Cai Yunyun, nor is she dressed as boldly as Yang Cancan, but her voice is very suitable for singing this song, so it gives people a very amazing feeling when she opens her mouth.

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