Chapter 81

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Chapter 81 Isn't Mrs. Gu Beautiful? (Second update)...

    After the scenes in the meeting room during the day were filmed, the night scenes in the evening were filmed when the criminal investigation detachment began to disperse the police force, and then targeted the three suspects, conducting investigations one by one.

    This is a process of constantly collecting evidence and constantly overturning the evidence. This process of fighting wits and courage with criminals will be very exciting when it is filmed.

    Moreover, when Director Kong selected the actors this time, not only the other supporting roles in the play were old actors, but even the young actors who played the three suspects this time were also old actors—the kind who, although young, But he has been in the industry for many years, and has been an actor who has been filming professionally.

    Especially the actor who plays Pan Xiao, although he is the same age as Peng Chen, but in fact, he has been in the industry for 10 years.

    The first rivalry between Peng Chen and Pan Xiao took place in the interrogation room.

    At first, Peng Chen stood outside the glass room of the interrogation room, while Pan Xiao sat inside the interrogation room.

    The transparent glass of the interrogation room separated the two of them.

    Peng Chen was examining Pan Xiao with his eyes.

    As seen in the photo before, Pan Xiao was young and handsome, wearing a spotless white shirt, even if he was sitting in the interrogation room, he was as well-behaved as if he was sitting in a classroom.

    His appearance was so deceptive, even his eyes were bright and clean, so that even Peng Chen couldn't help but doubt himself. Is this person really the person everyone in the criminal investigation team has spent so long looking for? Could it really be that vicious criminal?

    However, Peng Chen quickly dispelled her worries. As a psychological profiler, she should trust her intuition.

    With such conviction, Peng Chen walked into this interrogation room and began to interrogate Pan Xiao.

    In the monitor, Director Kong watched Peng Chen ask Pan Xiao various questions gently and restrainedly, starting with the simplest and most basic information, including name, age, profession, hobbies, specialties... I don’t know , thought it was an interview.

    Afterwards, Peng Chen slowly brought the topic to the process of getting acquainted by Pan Xiao and Mrs. Gu.

    When mentioning Mrs. Gu, Pan Xiao's eyes were obviously gentle, and there was also a bit of grief in the gentleness. It was a normal expression and reaction after losing someone close to him. Everything was perfect and impeccable: "I and The first time my sister met was in my high school. At that time, she had sponsored me for almost three years, but we had never met. That time, my sister happened to record the city where my school was located during a business trip. I remembered that I went to school there. So I decided to come to meet me. I remember that my sister took me to eat claypot rice at the back door of the school. It was the first time I ate claypot rice, and it was also the first time I knew that claypot rice was so delicious... ..."

    Pan Xiao recalled a lot of details about getting along with Mrs. Gu, Peng Chen didn't interrupt him, but just listened patiently.

    This is a very long shot, and it is reasonable to switch in the middle, but because the expressions of the two actors are perfect from the lines, so Director Kong has not stopped, just constantly looking for and switching angles by himself , and then let the two actors continue to act.

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