Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 He's Just an Ordinary Rich Man...

    The group night performance of the "Chasing the Light Girl" program first divided 10 students into three groups, and then the top three selected teammates in turn to form a team freely.

    The captain of the first group is Xu Jiayi, who ranked first in the previous performance. Because Xu Jiayi is good at rap, she belongs to the team's rap and facade, so the teammates she selected for herself are ceramics and vocals who are good at vocals. Su Yu is good at dancing.

    The overall ranking of Ceramite’s last performance is temporarily ranked 4th, while Su Yu is ranked 7th, and Xu Jiayi and Ceramite are both very popular on the Internet, so in terms of overall strength, their group is still the strongest. And there are almost no shortcomings.

    The captain of the second group is Cai Yunyun. Cai Yunyun ranked second in the last performance. She is good at vocal, so the teammates she chose for herself are Xia Qinghe, who is good at dancing, and Yang Cancan, the dark horse player in the previous period.

    Xia Qinghe ranked 5th in the previous performance. Although Yang Cancan's ranking is not particularly high, only ranked 8th, she is the player who improved the most in the previous period. The degree of online discussion and topics is even higher than that of Xu Jiayi, who ranked first. They are all high. Apart from whether Xu Jiayi can make a C debut, everyone is most concerned about whether Yang Cancan can maintain the record of the previous performance and make another big counterattack. So their group is still very exciting for netizens.

    The remaining four contestants are automatically assigned to the third team, and the captain is former rap singer Zhang Qian, who was ranked third in the previous period. The remaining members of their group are Yu Huan and Xie Youran who are good at dancing, and Tan Jing who is good at vocal.

    Although the third group has one more member than the other two groups, relatively speaking, their group is also the weakest. After all, Zhang Qian, who had the best performance in the previous performance of their group, was only ranked 3rd. The remaining players, except Yu Huan, who was a little stronger, ranked 6th in the previous period, and the other two players were all direct. Hovering on the verge of elimination, so the overall strength of this group is definitely not as good as the previous two groups.

    Moreover, the competition system of the group night is also particularly harsh on their group. If the competition between the first group and the second group is for the C debut, then the third group is competing for the debut.

    So this is not so much a team match as it is a PK match. If the three groups can PK one person out of the first group and the second group, then their group can have 1 debut seat, and if they can PK two people, they can have 2 debut seats... But if one PK cannot be lost, It is not impossible for all three groups to be eliminated.

    In addition to group performances on the group night, there are also individual PK competitions. Therefore, each team member needs to prepare at least two songs for emergencies.

    Moreover, the rehearsal time for this group night is one week less than the previous practice time, so it can be said that the time is tight and the task is heavy.

    After the contestants got their individual and group performances, they really started rehearsing day and night. In the previous performances, at most, the sleep time was compressed to the extreme, but this time it directly turned into an all-night rehearsal. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I found a time during the day to go back to the room to catch up on a few hours of sleep.

    The students were busy rehearsing all night, and the instructors naturally couldn't be idle.

    And it's almost the night of the group formation, so if there is anything under the box, the unique skills that can help the students must be brought out.

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