Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 That strong sour taste, rouge gouache and fragrance...

    This casting turmoil has been going on for several days, and Peng Chen has never responded, nor has anyone around him respond.

    Because anyway, no matter what you say, people who like you will still like you, and people who don’t like you will still dislike you, so just don’t say anything at all, or that sentence, don’t you agree? Act until they are convinced.

    Now that the end of the year is approaching, all David TVs are busy preparing for their evening parties. What Spring Festival Gala, Lantern Festival Gala has everything.

    Although Peng Chen is an actor, he has also received quite a few party invitations.

    At first, Peng Chen wanted to refuse, but Wang Xia felt that even as an actor, it is necessary to maintain a moderate exposure, so Peng Chen promised that there was a suitable program to try.

    Seeing that her tone was loose, Wang Xia immediately handed her a few invitations to the party that she had picked out: "I have seen them, and some of them are not bad. One is the Spring Festival Gala of Xiaolu TV. Among the guests to be invited, besides you In addition, there are Yu Fei and Lin Fangfei, and the members of Chasing Light Girls. The meaning of watching Xiaolu TV is probably to prepare you to reunite at this evening party. Generally, this kind of combination show They are all very popular, so I think you can consider this; the other one is the Spring Festival Gala of Basho TV. This channel has a lot of traffic and popularity, so it invites the most famous stars..."

    Wang Xia said while talking about those TV stations. The program invitation was opened to Peng Chen, and at the same time, he explained to Peng Chen in detail what the advantages of each station are. She has always been very experienced in this area, and knows how to communicate with Peng Chen in the most time-saving way to achieve the best results, so the cooperation between the two has always been very tacit.

    Peng Chen finally chose to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Xiaolu TV. After all, she and the TV station are old friends, and there is also Garfield! At that time, after finishing the show, maybe we can spend a new year together.

    As for the Lantern Festival Gala...Peng Chen also chose one, this time she didn't consider any friendship factors, and directly chose Basho TV. After all, talking about friendship is too expensive, and it is more cost-effective to simply do business performances.

    In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

    Peng Chen set off for Xiaolu TV's party recording site according to the agreed time.

    Before leaving, Jiang Siyan sent her to the car, and when he left, he still told her: "It's fun, but don't get too self-conscious. Come back early after the party is over. I'm still at home waiting for you to come back to celebrate the New Year together." !"

    Peng Chen: "Don't worry, I will try to come back to accompany you before 12 o'clock."

    Dahai, who is sitting in the front row and works part-time as a driver: "..." Shouldn't I be in the car, I should be under the car ah?

    Why do I feel so redundant?

    When Peng Chen arrived backstage, Lin Fangfei had already arrived, along with many singers and actors whom she knew or didn't know. But Yu Fei hasn't come yet, and it seems that the chasing girls haven't arrived yet either.

    Peng Chen's dressing table was not far from Lin Fangfei's dressing table, and the two of them could chat while they were putting on makeup.

    However, the backstage of the performance was as noisy as a vegetable market, and there were performers walking around everywhere, so after a few chats, the two of them didn't want to talk anymore.

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