Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    The director of the opera channel also has the word "Hai" in his name, so everyone calls him "Director Hai".

    In recent years, the ratings of the opera channel have been ranked first at the bottom of the same period. Although Director Hai has never been blamed in the station, as the person in charge of the opera channel, Director Hai actually feels very uncomfortable. After all, who would like to take the last place in the station every year for the column he is in charge of!

    The reason why he noticed Peng Chen was actually a coincidence.

    It is impossible for an elderly person like him to like to check Weibo, but his daughter just started college this year, and the little girl likes to check Weibo. Director Hai was sitting next to his daughter, and accidentally listened to both ears, only to find that his daughter was actually listening to cross talk, and the little girl was quacking while listening.

    This is too strange.

    You must know that Director Hai has lived with his daughter for 18 years, and this is the first time he has seen his daughter listening to cross talk!

    Director Hai was curious, so he asked his daughter to forward the cross talk she was listening to to his mobile phone. When I heard it, I found out, oh, this little girl who talks about cross talk is really good-looking... No, it's really good.

    Few young girls listen to cross talk these days, let alone talk about cross talk seriously. Many quyi troupes even pointed out by name that they would not accept female students. Anyway, Director Hai has worked on the opera channel for decades, and he has seen a few girls who love to sing operas, but he has never seen any girls who love to talk about cross talk.     After listening to Director Hai, he asked his daughter who the female cross talk artist was, but the daughter was amused by his question: "Her? Her name is Peng Chen, and she is the famous queen of vases and green tea princess in the entertainment industry. Except She has a pretty face, so she can do whatever she wants. Dad, you don’t really believe that this person can talk about cross talk, do you? Let me tell you, this must be a script arranged for her by the show crew! There are scripts for reality shows these days, How could someone like Peng Chen know how to talk about cross talk!"     Although the daughter said so, Director Hai still took the initiative to contact Peng Chen early the next morning, and sent Peng Chen a job offer.     In fact, Director Hai has his own considerations.

    He felt that whether Peng Chen would talk about cross talk was secondary, and what he was looking for was actually the traffic on Peng Chen. The reason why the ratings of Chinese opera channels continue to slump is because young people are unwilling to watch Chinese opera channels, but young people are the main force watching TV, so if you want to attract this wave of young audiences, you must change. Be innovative.

    It is actually not easy to innovate in the form of the program, but if some new faces can be added, especially female stars like Peng Chen with their own traffic and attention, it will definitely attract a wave of attention.     Originally, Director Hai was worried that a female star like Peng Chen would be too airy and would be very difficult to invite, but he didn't expect that just after he mentioned the idea, Peng Chen agreed.     Of course Peng Chen would agree.     She has no reason not to agree. Director Hai has already said that he will give money, and it will be settled in cash.     After listening to Peng Chen's words, Dahai felt very uncertain: "...Sister, do you really want to go to the opera channel to talk about cross talk? No, why do you suddenly know how to talk about cross talk? I haven't heard that you can do this before." Ah!"     Peng Chen casually gave a reason: "I learned it secretly from a teacher."     Although Da Hai is Peng Chen's personal assistant, it is impossible for him to be with Peng Chen 24 hours a day. With a sharp drop in work this year, she does have time to learn two new skills. So when Peng Chen said that, Dahai believed it.     But he began to worry about other things again: "But if you really talk about cross talk, will you be considered a person in the cross talk circle in the future? Will there be no place for you in the entertainment circle?"     Peng Peng Chen: "It's as if I have a place in the entertainment industry if I don't talk about cross talk."     Dahai: "..."     Peng Chen doesn't even have a manager now, and he doesn't need to go through a brokerage company if he wants to record any programs, so he told That's how the cooperation with the opera channel was settled.     Although it's settled, it doesn't start recording right away, after all, her current focus of work is still recording the program "Chasing the Light, Girl".

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