Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    "The cross talk that I'm going to tell you today is called "Be the one who spreads rumors." This story took place in the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. The protagonist of the story is a poor scholar named Yang Kangju. So he became cynical and developed the bad habit of chewing people's tongues. In our current words, he is a keyboard warrior, who loves to spread rumors and make troubles, and he doesn't know the door."

    "How much does this person like to spread rumors? I Let’s put it this way, there was a monk who passed by a widow’s house for alms and he happened to see it, and he was able to make up that the monk had an affair with the widow, forcing the widow to almost prove her innocence by dying.”

    "The neighbors don't like this poor scholar. Finally, one day, the scholar passed away. How did he die? He was struck to death by lightning.

    " I was struck to death by lightning, do you think it was an unjust death? Yang Kangju also felt that his death was unjust, so he went into the palace of the king of hell and shouted to the king of hell, saying that I didn't do anything bad in my life, why did I just die? Was he killed by lightning? Hades sneered and said, 'As the saying goes, if you spread rumors, you will be struck by lightning. Friends who like to spread rumors, for the sake of your own safety, you should stay away from him during thunder and rain."

    "It is said that people cannot be resurrected after death, but in fact, after death, people can still be reincarnated. Lord Yan has a merit book in his hand, that is, the "account book", which records everyone's good deeds or crimes in his life, and he can remember every single stroke. When it is Yang Kangju's turn, Lord Yan So I asked him: "What do you want to be reincarnated in your next life?" Yang Kang raised back and said: "I still want to be a human being." Lord Yan shook his head: "I'm afraid it's impossible to be a human being. You made too many bad words in your life. In the next life, I will punish you to be a pig first!"'"

    "Yan Wang Ye swiped his pen, and Yang Kangju was reborn as a pig. Although he became a pig, Yang Kangju still retained his human memory. He knew that a pig would be killed if it was too fat, even though it was already dead. Once, but he was also afraid of death, so he restrained himself every day and ate very little. As a result, a relative came to the host’s house one day, and the relative was very greedy, so he spread rumors to the host’s house and said, “I have learned a little bit recently. My son's ability to read, you pig, you can see that the six roots are not exhausted at a glance, and I am afraid it will cause trouble to the master's family', the master's face turned pale when he heard it, 'What should I do?', relatives wiped Mouth, "There is nothing in the world that can't be solved by a barbecue, so let's roast this evil, add more peppers and cumin", so Yang Kangju was roasted..."

    Peng Chen didn't sleep at night, I specially recorded a vlog and told netizens a cross talk. It is mentioned in the cross talk that this person named Yang Kangju was struck to death by lightning because he loved to spread rumors. In order to be reincarnated as a human being, he was first turned into a pig by the king of hell, and then turned into a chicken, duck and fish by the king of hell... As a result, every time I could not die well in my life, and finally turned into a bird. The appearance of this bird is no different from ordinary birds, but the sound is different from all the birds in the world, because this bird sounds like "zuo". ren', so they are called "Birdman".     At the end, Peng Chen said earnestly: "There is a saying that spreading rumors is cool for a while, and you can be a pig crematorium. Don't be a man when you should be a man today, and regret life as a bird tomorrow. Share with you! "     Being a celebrity these days, being scolded or being rumored is commonplace. Many netizens even said that half of the money earned by a celebrity is for selling privacy, and the other half is for being scolded. Celebrities     with a better temper usually choose to calm down when encountering a situation like Peng Chen’s. The studio sent a lawyer's letter as a warning. However, it was the first time that     Peng     Chen deliberately talked about a cross talk. It was the first time. Feeling refreshed and flustered: "...Sister, do you really want to put this cross talk on the top of Weibo? "

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