chapter 1

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The day jake was born was already the start of his terrible life.

A baby crying and it parents just looking at it. " what do we do with him, we can't give him up other people would think he is ugly" the mother said.

" we might as well keep him minji-ah, we can't kill him, he is a baby" the father said back.

" whatever, his name is jaeyun or jake, whatever you want to call him" the mother minji said looking at the baby that was in the cradle.

Jake was now two and he was living a hell.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHY DIDN'T I JUST abort you" minji yelled shaking jake by his neck.

"Eomma let go of him, his is only two!!!" Yelled the eldest beomgyu.

" Shut it beomgyu, go to your room, NOW!" jaego yelled as he dragged beomgyu to his room.

They punched, kicked, hit jake until the two year old was bleeding from his mouth. I know this is sad. Jaego grabbed a glass bottle and thrown it at jake and that caused his eye to get hurt. Minji then grabbed him by his hair.

" stay here for the last time, or else it would be worse" minji told jake, she then let go of him and grabbed jaegos hand and walked out of the room the had for him.


The five year old was left alone is the cruel house hold.

" beomgyu leave him now" jaego said forcing beomgyu off of his brother.

" NO, LET ME GO NOW, I WILL NOT LET HIM BE ALONE,.........LET ME GOOO!!!!!"   Beomgyu yelled crying trying to run to jake but was unsuccessful. He was dragged of the house leaving his baby brother by himself. As for jake, he was sitting on the sofa in the house and was crying to himself, asking himself what he did wrong.

" what did I do wrong" jake quietly asked himself as he cried. He rocked himself back and forth as he kept asking himself that question. What did he do?

It was the day after they left him and Jake found a friend in the backyard. Jake saw a puppy, a girl in fact.

" aww, are you alone, puppy" jake said softly as he slowly walked up to the puppy not wanting to scared it.

The puppy looked at jake and started to jump around him. Jake laughed and petted the little puppy.

" you are cute, I will call you Layla" jake and the puppy now named Layla seemed to like the name given to her.

" come on let's go inside, I think they was food in there" jake said with a little giggle.

Jake went inside with Layla following him. He went to the kitchen to see the fridge full fortunately, he also checked the cabinets and saw some ramyeon. He smiled.

" this should last us a month" jake said. Jake was only five but he was smart. Beomgyu taught him well, he missed his brother and when the time comes he will find him.

He cooked some ramyeon and found a piece of meat for Layla and there the start of his terrible life started over.


Jake and Layla were walking out of the alley way they took to the house when they went out, about 20 feet away from the house when some drunk man came out of nowhere.

" hey cute boy, what's your name" the man asked jake.

" umm sir I am five years old, what are you doing" jake asked the man he that caused him to be dumbfounded.

" what do you mean you are tall for a five year old, but that is even better" the man said as he tried to touch jake but Layla was fast and bite the man on his arm.

Jake and Layla ran away after she let go. Jake was now 12 yeas old and he has had the little space for about seven years.


Jake was now 21 and he still had the little space but he also had Layla so everything was okay. They were in the subway right now because people broke into the house and tried to hurt jake. Jake get scared and ran out with Layla following behind him. He was sitting on the bench with Layla sitting next to him on the bench as well, his head was rested on Layla.

" man why did those people come and take my house, I think they broke my dolls layla" jake cried out to his dog as he fixed his eyepatch that was coming of.

Layla and jake were the only ones in the subway, or so jake thought.

" what are you doing here" jake heard someone and that caused him to almost fall off the bench.

" who are you sir" jake asked.

" same question " the person said.

" what your name" the person asked.

Okay that is the end of this chapter I hope you liked it please vote if so.bye!!!!

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