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Idea from @Jasmine_Williams14 !!


Sonic's little heart pounded. His breaths shook against his ribcage and up his throat until his whole body felt it could explode. His heart thumped so hard it felt like it could shatter all the bones in his torso, the beats rippling down his spine and sending shivers all through his veins.

He never wished to find himself in this predicament. He never predicted it could happen, being what he thought to be so careful. Maybe he had gotten a bit reckless recently, and right now, looking back, he could see that. Maybe he thought too much of himself, believing he could never mess up.

This time he had. Big time.

Sonic felt cold, like the petrified charge chilled him to the core. He couldn't overcome the feeling, even though what incubated him brought warmth to his tiny body from the outside. He scrunched his eyes closed, and his stomach felt abandoned at where the journey began, his little tummy empty with sickness.

He could only feel the movement, not daring to push open a frail eyelid hiding the jungle speeding into a blur of green below him for his orbs of the same shade to even catch a glimpse. It would just make this sickness worse. Sonic could feel the wind whistling beside him, and he could sense the travel to be dangerously fast.

But not as dangerous as keeping still.

Arrows zoomed past him, and if he stopped now one would definitely intrude his delicate little body. So he kept moving, with the assistance of someone who he cherished in his heart still going haywire, and someone he could just sense was going to come face to face with a grizzly end tonight.

Longclaw battled the breeze to burst through the roof of the jungle and fly away, turning sharply when she could sense an arrow heading for her. Sonic was buried under her wing that flapped until it ached to the point of numbess, her turquoise eyes checking on him now and again when she knew the path ahead to be free from trees.

He clutched into her feathers like a young koala would to its mother's back, or an elderly sloth to the thickest and sturdiest branch of a tree. She could feel his breaths ripple through her chestnut plumage, her eyes glazed with tears from the panic thriving in every one. She could feel his heart against her own, both of them out of control.

She could see safety ahead, the jungle fading into the distance down below. Nothing but blue blossomed in the sky above, Longclaw diverting to take a straight route above the forest with hopes the layers of leaves would be protection from any more arrows. She had an idea where to head for safety, but that's when it happened.

Dear God, that's when it happened.

Longclaw felt a jolt of pain. It sliced just under her wing, cutting into her feathers and breaking through into her skin before it could slip any further and reach Sonic. She hissed in agony, the sting from the exposed flesh within the fresh wound becoming more unbearable by the second. Sonic screamed, the majestic owl plummeting back into the forest.


Quickly, she stumbled back to her feet. The arrow poked out from under her wing, and purposefully, she kept it raised so she didn't have a chance of pressing it in any deeper. Longclaw could feel the warmth of blood seeping out, the injury crying like how she wished to. Hastily, she brought her wings round to peel Sonic away from her body and place him before her.

"Listen carefully, Sonic."

The distressed hedgehog kept himself calm, training his breaths and the throbbing of his heart so they wouldn't muffle Longclaw's voice. He could still feel them screaming in his head, and he glanced up with saddened eyes and an unerasable frown to his muzzle. His stomach still felt absent, but at the same time weaved into anxious knots.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن