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An exhausted groan escaped (Y/n)'s weary lips, the sound of her phone's notification ringtone pounding in her ears for what felt like the hundredth time of the day, although she had only been awake for roughly an hour. She reached over to grab the device providing her with the delightfully annoying noise what felt like every ten seconds, clicking the lock screen open to see the reason why it wouldn't leave her alone.

The translucent tab across the screen read Messages: Knuxy ❤️ (7), causing another groan to echo around her otherwise motionless body.

(Y/n) typed in what was needed to open it and access all the messages, now desperate to see what her overprotective and over-paranoid boyfriend could possibly want.

Where are you?



I'm sorry...

Are you okay?


Okay I'm coming over!

Her heart felt like it froze in the moment, remembering she had a date planned with Knuckles today and that she was already meant to be there.

He was probably there waiting for her, and whenever she was even a minute late he'd panic...

So he was totally going to be freaking out, and regarding the distance between when the messages were sent and the time now, he was definitely going to be here soon.

(Y/n) quickly messaged back to put him at ease, tossing her phone into the depths of her silky duvet after letting him know she wasn't feeling too great.

Which was an understatement.

She could feel sharp pain crawling into her head, her brain throbbing. She could feel the sensation of aching attacking her whole body. She could feel explosions taking place in her stomach, what felt like debris tossing around with every trembling breath.

Today wasn't going to be her day. It was one where you wake up the morning after you are aware of Mother Nature's monthly visit and just don't want to try, just wanting to stay in bed until the time for shut-eye came around again.

The smooth duvet remained wrapped around (Y/n)'s pain ridden body, her pounding stomach becoming a curve embedded within the mattress while her (e/c) fluttered closed.

Just when slumber seemed to take her over once again, the agony numbing down as she relaxed, the front door sounded like it was about to be knocked down. (Y/n) jumped a little in shock, legs swinging from her bed moments later to answer who she knew with absolute certainty was there.

She held her head, the throbbing pain knocking her fingertips like a second heartbeat. She made her way down the stairs as quickly as her cramps would allow, breathing "I'm coming" over and over.

(Y/n) kept a tight grip to her head as her other hand twiddled with the keys to unlock the door. The jingling sent her stomach into knots as she could see the scarlet blur of her boyfriend through the window, soon unbolting the entrance.

Before she could even compute that the door was open, she could feel Knuckles' fists pressed against her shoulders with lavender orbs sparkling in panic locked with her own. She could feel his quivering breath brush against her face, shaking both in panic and out of breath from rushing over.


"Yeah I'm just-"

But before (Y/n) could finish she was pulled into a loving embrace. She could feel Knuckles' fast paced heartbeat against her chest, falling into a rhythm with her own with hands rubbing across her back.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now