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A wind of elation met the bedroom that had been a comforting accommodation for (Y/n) and Shadow for the last three months, the door squealing in the same excited manner as (Y/n) bouncing behind her less energised hedgehog companion as Shadow swung it open.

She couldn't contain the pride as if it were champagne fizzing so strongly in a bottle the cork fell victim to the blazing bubbles underneath to force it to pop, spilling the alcoholic liquid touched so lightly in gold like how her grinning smile spilt energy quaking in adrenaline.

Something just as golden through (Y/n)'s eyes was held tightly to her hand strained in the pressure of unbelievable achievement, the paper escaping creases from laminated texture. She sprang into the room, abruptly freezing through a stimulated step as the words enscribed to the paper captivated her in a milestone of a daze.

(Y/n) the (species)/(L/n)

You have exceeded all expectations required to earn a place with our community and have been accepted to become one of our agents.

The words gleamed to the certificate tinted in yellow to the page, like a sunny smile of congratulations with the handwritten signature of G.U.N.'s commander leaking in strong black ink to the dotted line and a neatly printed "congratulations" above.

It had all payed off, every last aspect of this wild adventure she never would have dreamed to become a part of - awakening at the time when dawn screamed a cracking yawn from the horizon, speeding into action to complete athletic activities and fuel strength, experiencing team building environments in acted situations where agents could be needed...

And Shadow... she'd managed to be with him every day, every hour, every minute for the last nine weeks. Although they still seemed to remain distant from one another, (Y/n) felt their relationship strengthen by the hour until nothing could tear them apart; shatterproof.

Even though they sometimes felt so separate from one another, like two lost souls on the same island but at opposite edges of the land, (Y/n) still felt their bond withstanding anything, like said souls shared a prophecy to someday meet and wish to spend the rest of their lives together.

Reluctantly, she could admit to herself she had still been sneaking a surreptitious glance to Shadow in awkward situations such as shattering the privacy of the shower. Outside of her knowledge, the hedgehog streaked in scarlet was secretly aware of her sly stares, but almost in enjoyment of the attention so he wouldn't let it on.

He strangely wanted more, unbeknownst to him that his arms still took journeys around her waist to press her back to his chest in the darkness of sleep. (Y/n) acknowledged the softened touch weakened from his slumber in the early hours of the morning with gentle adjustments to secure his hold like the first night replayed over and over...

She also craved more subtle interactions alive in a romantic aura but with platonic intentions, neither of them truly understanding what these actions could really mean deep inside.

It all seemed fuzzy, but (Y/n) knew if the right light were to shimmer on her admiration for Shadow in her guileful glances towards him in the gyms and agent practice with his pistol technique it would blur into clarity.

Her feelings couldn't be restricted, and she let the crush fall into something much deeper and much stronger with no ability to bring it back up. It was lost - buried in a cave through the cracks of a rock that engulfed it to become something larger that couldn't be ignored.

But right now, her thoughts didn't trail into the reminder of such adventurous ideas, glued to nothing but the celebratory certificate still clasped in her hold with thrilled sweat practically sticking her fingers to its laminated shine.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now