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Inspired by @I_got_le_papayas !!


Leaves of rustling trees that thrived in the luscious season of spring blocked the darkening sky from (Y/n)'s view. She kept a hand above her squinting eyes that matched the shade of a diamond glistening in (e/c) light to keep the slithers of dusk that managed to sneak through away from blocking her route of escape.

Her feet rapidly thumped into the ground that felt further up that anticipated, sinking herself into the disrupted blanket of weeds with a discrete shriek in surprise. She attempted to avoid any flowers that innocently flourished their aesthetic array of astonishing colour, but she kept her mind focused on rushing away from her previous location before the night fell.

(Y/n) couldn't handle it any more. She had been pressured into tasks involved in a romantic relationship that should take their own time for too long. Scourge had finally crossed the line - she knew these actions were inevitable and that she would eventually need to do exactly what she had planned this evening for.

She needed to escape. And so, she trekked between the trees that towered beside her like skyscrapers proud to bear such beautiful wood. The sky quickly darkened and her steps became hastier, almost like she desired to chase the light that poured from the end of the forest and lured her to a brighter, free future.

(Y/n) slowed down for a moment, a hand to her chest that throbbed with every heartbeat. Her heart and lungs craved for a break, but (Y/n) needed to get away. She needed a fresh start, something as fresh as the weeds that consumed every inch of the woodland ground in vibrant green that stood out against the army of darkened oak.

She spun around for a second, the deepening shade of orange to the sky that could be seen only through cracks between the shield of leaves serving the purpose of a ticking clock. Night was soon approaching, and (Y/n) anticipated if she hadn't found shelter by then Scourge would come looking for her, because she wasn't exactly far from home.

Because that's what he was like. Always following her and needing to know where she was, just so he could interrupt the plans of her personal life to fit around the pleasures of himself in actions (Y/n) herself didn't care for.

She gave a deep breath that merged into a softened groan to maintain the secrecy of her presence in the woodland, coming to the conclusion she would need to continue her journey at a pace she didn't think her body could prolong.

She made haste, still panting in a recovery from the last few steps as more increased in pace into the depths of the woods.

Did she know where she was going? Yes, sort of. Anywhere that would provide any form of shelter, just for a few days until she could raise herself on determined feet and awaken a fresh start.

Crisp gold of the evening sky soon became a victim to the overpowering nature of black, fading into darkness too quickly for (Y/n)'s liking.

So she started to run. Sprint. Dash. Full speed ahead, not a single glance back as her chest felt like it could burst at the seams from her breaths that seemed to be in such quick succession her lungs couldn't cope.

Darkness looming over her with a malicious grin didn't help in the slightest, only allowing more panic to rise that someone else could be on her trail.

But within moments, everything really was dark. (Y/n) couldn't see a thing, or feel any sensation against her skin. Like the weeds to her ankles or the cold night breeze to her windswept face, like she'd been dragged out of the forest and placed into an empty room.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now