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That was all that could be seen in the distance from the seashore.

Beautifully bright blue; it was painted across the sky and bled into the horizon like fresh watercolour. It reflected into the endless ocean that flowed below, twinkling with every ripple in reaction to the beaming sunlight that simply made the blue of the sky lighter rather than projecting a different colour.

All blue.

(Y/n) Wachowski kept her gaze focused on the sky above, almost waiting for a cloud to pass by as it was something that hadn't happened in hours. Heated breezes swept her (h/c) hair aside in a soothing manner, nothing but relaxation crashing over her like how the waves ahead slithered down the shore.

Something else that was blue sat by her side.

Or, more like someone.

Sonic was perched by (Y/n)'s side, the little blue hedgehog playing with one of the only things surrounding his human companion you could label as a colour contrasting that of the sky, the sea, and indeed himself.

The sand. The rich, golden, sand.

Sonic fiddled with it in his gloved hands, the aureate dust sticking to them as he waved them about to remove it every few moments. But when his hands were cleansed enough to go back to touching the sand, he would pat it into shapes with deep concentration.

The hedgehog slapped a hump of sand that raised up to his knees in his stance where they were held to his chest. His orbs matching the vivid shade of green you could notice shimmering in an emerald kept focus to the movement of the sand. He would even reach the point where he would fall into the inevitable trap of such deep attentiveness his tongue would absentmindedly stick out, causing (Y/n) to giggle whenever she noticed it from the corner of her (e/c) eye.

Sonic quickly raised himself up from the turquoise towel keeping his fluffy tail from the rest of the sand that coated the beach, (Y/n)'s gaze shifting from the clearest sky she could imagine to her delighted hedgehog companion.

His socked feet met the towel, hands holding his hips with pride after knocking his hands together to remove the final flecks of sand from his otherwise immaculate gloves.

"Finished!" Sonic called out, smiling to his collection of sandy mounds creating an army of magnificent medieval castles in his wild imagination.

(Y/n) turned her head to see him, grinning in support of his achievements he couldn't appear any more gratified by. She could hear the screaming of seagulls and crashing of waves in the distance, turning back to see the ripples of water pressing moist sand back towards her as the sea slowly began to approach.

Sonic frowned as he noticed (Y/n)'s distraction of the sea, socked feet clambering over his roughly shaped sand castles so he could perch beside her bare feet buried in the glistening sand. He sighed deeply, gloved fingers twiddling with one another anxiously from the sound of crashing waves that always sent a shiver down his tiny spine.

(Y/n) noticed his apprehensiveness, (e/c) orbs no longer sparkling with admiration for the breathtaking shoreline but with more of a glint of concern. Sonic kept a frown carved into his adorably fluffy face, his stomach stirring just at the sight of the water that seemed to flow into the distance forever.

"What's the matter?"

Sonic shook his head. "I don't like the sea."

(Y/n) tilted her head that remained balanced against her folded arms before raising herself up to meet Sonic's view of the seemingly gentle ocean ahead. She couldn't possibly imagine why he wouldn't enjoy the calm crashes that every tiny ripple created once it touched the shore, and the tranquil shade of blue that matched the sky but also somehow appeared more vibrant.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now