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Morning sunlight sprinkled between the leaves of the trees surrounding a cozy little house. Whistling of cheerful birds flew through the breeze, a little hedgehog observing the clouds that drifted across the sky.

Sonic took a deep breath, breeze drifting between his cerulean quills as his gloved hand brushed through them. His socked feet touched the paved ground, the delicate, soft material protecting his tiny feet from the gravel below.

A cereal bar was held to his gentle muzzle, the crumbs from every tender bite granulating against the oversized Vin Diesel shirt the hedgehog used as pyjamas.

Something outside had caught his attention.

Sonic finished his cereal bar, the shimmering wrapper dropped into the outdoor trash can responsibly.

The little blue hedgehog allowed his fluffy knees to balance himself to the ground. Gloved hands gripped them as his emerald orbs sparkled in the sunbeam of daybreak. His oversized shirt just about touched his knees, slipping down his shoulders.

Another small creature had captured his interest. What appeared to be a chestnut brown ball of fuzz wandered beside the trash can, Sonic's green gaze keeping a close eye on its rather speedy movements.

(Y/n) Wachowski maundered out of the house, socks that tightly fitted around her feet slouching down the stairs as she adjusted the baggy pyjamas that sunk down her shoulder.

The humid breeze of the morning awakened her, a yawn escaping her drowsy lips. Her hedgehog companion came into view, her sleepy frown becoming a warm smile.

A feeling filled with nothing but unconditional love tingled Sonic's head. He could feel the presence of (Y/n) behind him as her chin perched within his quills.

"Hi." He chuckled, softly closing his emerald eyes as a hand from his knee reached to hold hers that flung over his shoulder.

"Hey baby." (Y/n) planted a delicate kiss to Sonic's head, (e/c) eyes noticing the movement her beloved hedgehog had been focused on.

A fluffy ball of deep brown fur waddled just beside Sonic's knees, the spiked texture across its back matching his own.

Its muzzle beheld the same moist nose as Sonic, stopping dead in its tracks to scrunch its beady black eyes closed and allow a tiny foot to scratch the fluff within its neck.

Sonic observed with interest thriving in the beautiful shade of green that twinkled in his orbs.

"What is that?"

"A hedgehog."

"But... I'm a hedgehog. It looks nothing like me..."

"No, I mean, an Earth hedgehog."

Sonic released an adorable oooh in a careful whisper.

The fuzzy yet spikey creature scurried closer to Sonic, his gloved hand reaching towards the innocent animal. Its dampened nose brushed against the silky material. The touch caused Sonic to laugh but the creature to flinch.

What was known as an Earth hedgehog stumbled back on its tiny chestnut paws. It bounced not even an inch up from the ground, the quills that stood out like hundreds of pins being the only thing visible in seconds.

Sonic gently tilted his head underneath (Y/n)'s, their hands remaining connected across his chest. The cocoa-coloured hedgehog had rolled into a ball, the only movement causing it to shake being its fast paced breathing.

"Hey, I can do that!" Sonic chuckled, emerald gaze keeping completely focused on the quivering ball of quills.

"But he's doing it because he's scared." (Y/n) explained, Sonic's smile becoming a concerned frown.

"Oh, did I scare him?"

"I guess so."

A gloved finger reached for the animal once again, gently poking the spikey sphere. The Earth hedgehog rolled backwards, like the touch was what pushed it and it had no control itself.

Sonic shuffled forward a little, socked toes almost tapping the terrified creature. (Y/n) watched from behind as the whole palm of his hand enveloped the animal.

He provided its delicate ears with soothing ssshh sounds. It unravelled itself, damp nose and beady eyes returning to view.

Sonic carefully scooped it up, its fluffy tummy pressed against his gloved hand as the fingers of the other caressed its spikey back.

The creature sniffed towards Sonic's own nose, the two of them breaking boundaries at how comfortably close they became to one another. It seemed to calm in the warmth of Sonic's hand.

He held the Earth alternate to his own species in both of his hands, emerald eyes examining the creature in engrossment.

"He's a lot smaller than I imagined an Earth hedgehog to be..." Sonic muttered, still stroking the creature's spines.

The animal continued to sniff across the palms of his hands that were roughly the same size as the creature itself, nose occasionally rising up and down to gather the many scents it could identify in the humid air.

Sonic giggled as he could feel the moist texture of the creature's nose bump into his own, the moment seeming like it was meant to happen.

(Y/n) smiled, chin returning to the top of his head as her fingers intertwined with one another across the navy blue shirt that warmed his fluffy tummy.

Sonic continued to assess the animal's movements. Pattering of its tiny paws tickled his gloved hands as its nose left a dampened trail across the silk of his gloves.

A warm smile crossed his fluffy muzzle. He could feel the gentle touch of (Y/n)'s face snuggling into his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of the coffee-coloured hedgehog's body nestled in his grip.

Sonic's smile became more of a cheeky smirk.

"We may be the same animal, but you've gotta admit I'm the handsome one..."

(Y/n) giggled, nuzzling her face deeper into Sonic's fluffy cheek. He placed the innocent hedgehog back to the ground as he felt her lips meet his cheek for a second.

The Earth hedgehog scurried towards the forest it came from with assumption. Sonic raised himself from his crouched stance, innocently waving the creature goodbye as it scuttled into the hedges that surrounded the house.

Sonic's gloved hand remained within (Y/n)'s, the two of them heading back to the warmth and welcoming feeling the house radiated.

A smirk remained across the little blue hedgehog's fluffy face, emerald orbs sparkling with audaciousness.

"C'mon, you've gotta admit it."

(Y/n) leant her other arm down for her hand to reach his shoulder, nudging it in a fit of giggles. Their physical connection slid apart as they just reached the steps, Sonic observing in wonder.

"Race you back inside, you handsome blue devil." She laughed, leaping up the stairs with the raising amount of energy she could feel building up inside as her body awakened.

Sonic chuckled, becoming a streak of blue into the homely building. He passed (Y/n) in a matter of milliseconds, her laughter echoing through the entrance of the building as the door closed them off from the rising heat of the day to come.


♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now