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Cooling heat of late summer breezes swept through the hundreds of thousands of people on the edge of their seats desperate to see the conclusion to the most exhilarating and captivating race imaginable. Cheers encouraged it to come to its eagerly awaited close, the clouds of the pure blue sky seeming to drift along faster with every motivating scream.

Extreme Gear that flourished in all colours that could possibly be concocted through their shimmering fresh paint jobs hovered over the finish line, inches between one another and only the odd few anywhere behind.

Tails sighed, knowing for sure he was going to be one of those left to lag behind. He just couldn't keep up. He never believed he had the skill. Sure, he could craft a hover board for his pals now and again to every aspect of complete perfection in the eyes of professional riders, but actually being able to come anywhere near first place in a race was a whole different story.

The little yellow fox's saffron board that illuminated the shade of happiness came to a forced slower pace from his own intentions, the frown carved into his fluffy face radiating with an opposite emotion. He'd skidded over the finish line engraved into the ground as the last of the eight racers that had competed for what felt like hours but was only minutes, another deep sigh allowing his fuzzy chest to carefully rise and fall in a breath of defeat.

It certainly wasn't the first time he'd experienced this kind of thrash, but he gave a small smile to the digital podium that congratulated the top three places as he leapt from his board and leant his exhausted body against it. Those who had snatched the most coveted places appeared one by one, from third to second to first.

In third place was Jet, the Legendary Wind Master who wanted to claim himself as the fastest creature in the universe, but this race had proven that he just wasn't fast enough. Tails' smile grew once Sonic came on screen, his best friend and perhaps even brother who he knew for certain to be the fastest thing alive. His smile dipped downwards, however, as he realised Sonic to be in second.

Hmm, how did he not win? He always wins!

Tails felt a little uncertain when the cheering for first place silenced any other sounds of the peaceful nature surrounding the track, the beaks of birds tweeting in their own private nest building lives to be zipped closed by the congratulating screams.

Tails gave a gasp into the soothing summer air when (Y/n) appeared on screen with the title of first place labelled across her part of the podium. He wasn't completely sure who she was, only having noticed her perhaps once or twice with...

Team Babylon!?

Tails gulped once he realised (Y/n) to be the newest member of Jet's team that the egotistical bright green hawk wouldn't stop boasting about her recently. He could hear extolling of his rival team from behind him, his vivid yellow tails anxiously wafting to the side as his body turned to see (Y/n) being applauded by the members of Team Babylon.

The sight of her in real life suddenly made his stomach churn and his heart miss a few beats. He felt himself shrivel up into the corner of the room, not wanting to breathe too loud so for the popular group to notice him.

Especially not (Y/n). Because even though he couldn't wait another second to harass her with the millions of questions about her that spiralled through his brain, he couldn't find the hidden confidence to confront her. And especially not if she was being praised by someone like Jet the Hawk, who currently had an arm over her shoulders and a smug grin across his beak.

But even though she was accompanied and praised by those Tails had made rivalry and perhaps even enemies of before, he still had a strange sensation gnawing away at him deep inside. It confused him, but he just shrugged it off.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now