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A small sniffle accompanied a few tears that trickled down the muzzle of a troubled fox. Although he couldn't be surrounded by any more people in the depressing environment of school, he always felt alone.

Tails had experienced enough. He couldn't go on like this any longer. It made him reluctant to even getting up in the morning. The constant abuse. The comments that tore his heart to shreds every day. The bullying.

It felt like everyone in school hated him, just because he was small, smart, and born with a second tail, standing out from the crowd of taller idiots. Before school began, Tails always saw himself as different in a positive way. He felt unique.

But today had pushed him off the edge. He couldn't keep going on like this.

Tails sniffed again, grasping his school books and folders that would otherwise overflow his backpack that rested above his fluffy saffron tails. He tried to shuffle through the crowds of the corridor without being seen, failing for what felt like the millionth time.

His ears pinned to his head to block out the menacing chuckles of those he wished would just disappear and leave him alone forever. He kept walking, faster with each step to not let them see he had noticed their presence.

Tails stumbled back, a tug to his backpack causing him to trip to the ground. His books spilt across the floor, gloved hands quickly scooping them up so he could hurry away before anything else had the chance to ruin his already terrible day.

The little fox quickly raised himself up, pain still attacking his back and legs from the fall as he attempted to scurry away.

"Not so fast."

Tails closed his eyes that stung with tears once again, just wanting to let his enragement tear these guys apart but knowing he didn't stand a chance.

He just let it happen, hands grasping his shoulders so he hung from the wall. A punch sent his school belongings across the floor of the corridor that quickly became empty as the final bell of the day sounded.

Tails winced as more fingers grabbed his already drained body, feeling himself being hurled through the air as he skidded across the floor. His eyes that sparkled with disappointment that he couldn't just leave school in peace reopened to see himself tossed to the ground.

The little fox curled up into a ball of tears, refusing to even look at those responsible. He heard their threatening chuckles fade away, a slap of a high five from triumph of ruining his life once again following.


Tails' watered eyes that matched the shimmering shade of blue of a sapphire blinked before looking up to see someone vaguely familiar stopping those too familiar from leaving the building.

He remembered her slightly. They sat close to one another in class before. He remembered seeing her glaring at the bullies that would always prod at his tails from behind him.

He always saw something good in her. She stood out from everyone else, but he never had the guts to talk to her. All he wanted was a friend, but being treated like garbage every day brought down his confidence to a non-existent low.

(Y/n) cracked her knuckles with a smirk towards the gang of bullies, burning with anger inside after witnessing what they'd just done. They provided her with an insulting laugh, believing that a girl wouldn't be able to stop them.

Tails felt a tiny smile cross his face as (Y/n) launched a multitude of punches to faces and kicks into places that wouldn't recover. He was stunned, (Y/n) wiping sweat from her forehead as the bullies screamed in a crippled state as they limped from the building.

"Pick on someone your own size!" (Y/n) shouted, amused by their pain before approaching Tails.

"You okay?" She smiled, a hand to his shoulder as the other helped him up.

"Uh, yeah..." Tails stumbled over his reply, a delicate dusting of pink brightening up his fluffy white cheeks stained with tears.

He held his head, a sensation of dizziness blurring his vision. He was spellbound at how quickly (Y/n) had changed, from a protective fighter to providing him with the most gentle touch he had ever felt. But he was thankful.

"Thanks for saving me." Tails smiled back, composing himself as (Y/n) helped him collect his belongings that were scattered across the ground.

"No problem. I've been watching them do this to you for so long, and this time I couldn't take it anymore. I had to help you. And I'm sorry I never did before." (Y/n) explained, hand remaining within Tails'.

"It's okay, um..."


"Miles. But everyone calls me Tails."

"Tails, huh? Because of these?" (Y/n) gestured towards his twin tails, the two of them waving up and down anxiously.

"Um, yeah. They're why those guys bully me..."

(Y/n) frowned. "Well I think they're pretty sweet. They make you unique. No one should do that to you because you're unique. They're just jealous."

Tails smiled before noticing his backpack tossed down the corridor. He gasped, darting towards it as he saw the contents showered out. His gloved fingers pressed the items back inside, a confused (Y/n) just behind him.

"What's that?"

Tails jumped a little, sighing before taking the device out and turning to (Y/n).

"It's, um, a translator."

(Y/n) tilted her head, silence urging him to continue.

"It helps me understand the language of the wisps, a species I've been studying for a while..."

"You invented it?" (Y/n) examined the device, codes flickering across the screen before Tails pushed it back into the bag, swinging it over his shoulders with a bashful smile.

"Yeah. You're the first person I've shown it to..." He explained, appearing a little embarrassed.

"Don't be ashamed of your talents, Tails." (Y/n) smiled as she patted his shoulder before heading for the exit.

Tails' smile grew, heart pumping faster by the second as her words seemed to touch it. He felt fuzzy inside, catching up to (Y/n) as she headed for the door leading into the late afternoon warmth.

That's when Tails realised he'd finally found someone who understood him, who understood his struggles, who he could be himself in front of, who could support him...

Someone who could be his friend.


Author's note - Wow! 1K reads! Tysm for reading these little stories that seem to be popping into my head for a new idea every day! Since my break from school is coming to an end my updates will slow down a bit because I'm going to have more stuff to do. I might be able to squeeze another one in today so stay tuned! ✌️


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