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Cheerful whistling of songbirds that signalled the break of a new day caused a little blue hedgehog to toss and turn in his race car bed. He yawned as the sunlight poured through the gently opened window, warm breezes awakening him as he stretched.

Sonic's socked foot slid from the side of the crimson bed, rubbing his head with a gloved hand before swinging his fluffy blue legs round. He placed his feet into the vivid red shoes that awaited the sensation of his toes tickle the interior.

Sonic yawned again as his mouth formed a smile across his fuzzy face, delighted by the beauty that flourished through the woodland he could see from the window.

Something else slapped across his grinning face moments later, uncontrollable giggles from the silliness following. Sonic grasped the golden fur that hung aside the tongue that splattered across his face, a charming greeting from Ozzy the dog he received on a daily basis.

Sonic ruffled Ozzy's shimmering gold fur with a laugh and adjusting his baggy Vin Diesel shirt before rising from his seat to the bed to begin the day. His doggy companion panted beside him as the two of them headed down the rickety staircase from Sonic's attic bedroom.

Sonic rubbed an emerald eye one final time from the sleep he had much needed the previous night that felt like it recharged him like a battery. The scent of breakfast tickled his moist nose, tempting him closer to the kitchen that the smell of freshly toasted bread emanated from.

Sonic flopped onto a seat at the table, drowsy eyes looking into a plate of tenderly buttered toast as the grin across his face grew with appreciation. A hand ruffled his cerulean quills as he took the first crunch, smiling through it as he turned to Tom "Donut Lord" Wachowski.

"Morning, kiddo."


Sonic chuckled through the nibbles of the toast, until his cheeky grin became a frown once noticing something peculiar.

"Where's (Y/n)?"

His emerald orbs scanned the room, seeing no-one accompanying the seat in front of him like (Y/n) usually would. It didn't seem like she was hastily eating her breakfast before rushing to school, and making sure she planted a kiss to his head before taking a single step out of the front door.

Sonic's frown deepened in confusion and most of all concern, the feeling of unknowing where (Y/n) was causing his stomach to tumble around inside. Maddie "Pretzel Lady" Wachowski took the very seat Sonic stared towards, a mug between her hands.

"She's in her room, she doesn't feel too well."

These words simply lead to more worry, the little hedgehog quickly finishing his breakfast before sliding back down from the seat. Sonic immediately took determined steps over Ozzy who lied curled up beside his chair and back up the staircase.

"Then I'm gonna see if she's okay..."

(Y/n) wasn't okay in the slightest, having just come from a visit to the bathroom that felt like it took hours to finish up. She now lied in her bed, duvet cover surrounding her flushed face and tightly enveloping the rest of her body.

Stabbing pains crawled across her stomach, down her legs, and up to her chest. A headache thumping like a second heartbeat within her skull caused her to keep a hand to her forehead in an attempt to soothe the throbbing, repeated swallowing hopefully pushing the feeling of nausea back down.

Why does nature hate women? What have we done to deserve this every month!?

A hot water bottle rested against her stomach, her breathing sounding disrupted as her throat felt like a sooty chimney. She stared at the ceiling with watery eyes, phone rested on the pillow beside hundreds of snack packets so headphones could connect to her ears and allow (favourite/song) to calm her down.

(Y/n) released a relaxed breath as her eyes slowly closed, keeping a hand to her forehead while the pain seemed to die down. Musical notes continued to pound through her ears to block out anything else, a sense of yearning for sleep taking her over.

Just as (Y/n) felt like the time was right to get some well needed sleep, even though it had just been a few hours since she woke up from the night, something stirred her awake.

A moist nose peeped through the crack in the door, allowing more glistening sunlight to alert (Y/n) of the morning outside. Emerald eyes glistened in the beams of sun, a frown carved into a fluffy face sliding into the room.

(Y/n) smiled as Sonic carefully closed the door to its original position behind him, only the top of his head visible to her from the end of the bed. He slowly came to the side of the bed, folded arms pressed into the small amount of free mattress with his head balanced atop.


"Hey, sweetheart."

(Y/n) sacrificed the soothing of the throbbing in her head to allow her hands to remove the headphones and caress Sonic's cerulean quills. The hedgehog's emerald orbs glimmered with contentment before they slowly closed with pleasure from the gentle touches.

"Are you felling any better?"

(Y/n) smiled warmly at his concern.

"Not really."

"Do you need anything?"


Sonic tilted his head, ears twitching as they awaited a continuation.


(Y/n) flexed her fingers back and forth, Sonic smirking as he took the hint. He scurried onto the mattress, swinging a leg over after leaving his shoes to the carpet like a true gentleman.

Sonic held a hand to (Y/n)'s shoulder, burying his fluffy face into her heated neck after she brushed the wrappers away and enfolded him in the duvet. She giggled a little at the sensation of fur tickling her neck that her baggy pyjamas slid down, the flushed feeling cooling in relaxation. She could feel the little hedgehog's chest rise and fall gently as it rested against hers, his socked feet balanced on her waist as she rubbed his back.

Sonic snuggled further into her side with pleasure from her gentle touches, feeling her fingers play with the quills of his back underneath his deep blue shirt while her head rested onto his. He felt an array of smooth kisses meet his forehead, calming the both of them down further.

(Y/n) wrapped both her arms around the little blue hedgehog, one stroking the quills of his head as the other continued to caress his back. She could feel Sonic's breathing slow down further, his tiny heartbeat pounding against her chest until the two of them felt like they were in sync.

She noticed all the pain and discomfort from before had disappeared, nothing but peacefulness creating a warm and fuzzy feeling where the affliction previously snaked towards.

(Y/n) snuggled her cheek deeper into Sonic's quills, a strange vibrating feeling knocking against her chest moments later. She raised her head in befuddlement, causing her little blue companion to do the same.


"Were you purring?"

Sonic's emerald orbs widened in embarrassment, a vivid shade of cerise dusting against his fluffy cheeks as he crossed his arms and pouted.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm a hedgehog, not a cat."

(Y/n) giggled, a smile from Sonic brushing the suspicion of the thought away as what felt like hours of cuddles continued. She kept a hand just below Sonic's back quills, the others between his cerulean fur prickling at her palm as she felt the same gentle quaking again.

She laughed once more, hands continuing to soothe the little hedgehog as she caressed the top of his head. (Y/n) kissed his forehead once more, giggling as the feeling of vibration tickled her lips.

She rested her head back atop of Sonic's with a smile that couldn't grow any further before answering her previous question with an obvious answer through a hushed whisper.

"You're totally purring..."


♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now