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(Y/n) yearned to hear the bell one more time. Every few minutes she flicked a glance to her watch to check how much longer she would need to be crammed in a classroom, with algebra and equations that crashed her mind like a broken computer being sprawled across the chalkboard for what felt like years. She could barely keep her eyes open or her up from the table, tiredness fiddling with the already complicated equations to make them something even more difficult to read.

But in honesty, she didn't mind the boredom screaming in the stuffy air from the breaths of so many students expressing the same idea. Usually, she would be sobbing for double math to end as soon as it could, any energy from the morning already drained by lunchtime with 3pm glowing on her watch to remind her there wouldn't be much time left until freedom.

But today, she oddly smiled at the class taking place just before her. The shapes of numbers and other mathematical symbols scraped in the evocative white dust of chalk seemed to make sense, and with that her fingers roamed free to the paper with a hold of the pen to calculate what was requested like it was nothing.

All thanks to her fox friend perched by her side. Bless Tails - he had needed guidance around the corridors bursting like the seams of stitched material from the overwhelming amount of students with the warm comfort of (Y/n)'s hand, and the seat his fluffy body made home to in the current classroom forced his sapphire eyes to only just be able to peek over the rim of the table.

But his gloved hand managed to steer the pen gripped between his fingers almost throbbing from said contact in the right direction, his neck laced in golden fur strained to keep his stare far up enough to see the paper with his tails squished behind him like a pillow to the seat.

His tongue flopped to the corner of his creamy white muzzle, radiating in concentration with a dusting of cerise whenever he noticed such an unintentional and absentminded gesture taking place. His pointed ears couldn't be any more perked up from the remarkable concoction of bizarre sounds around him, whether those to be the screams of children at recess or the alarming ring of the bell or the winds ruffling the leaves just outside.

At the moment, it was the voice of their teacher, directing the class towards how to calculate the value of a letter involved in an algebraic equation, that kept his ears much more softened inside than out interested and alert. Tails scribbled any and every word from the teacher's mouth to his paper crumpled by the touch of his fingers bringing it closer to where only his nose could dab the edge of the table, sprawling the numbers and letter patterns across the sheet with full undestanding but such hurriedness they wobbled.

(Y/n) smiled warmly to his studious behaviour, a feeling in her heart casting a shadow brighter than what radiated from her grin and shone from the sun creeping through the glass of the hundreds of windows around the school building. She didn't regret bringing him here, not at all. He seemed to be enjoying every minute, and his attitude towards the educational environment seemed infectious.

She glanced to the time glaring at her against the blackened surface of her watch with a luminous white glow, reading what would correspond to only five minutes to be remaining in the school's daily schedule. Tails creased the paper with a tight hold to keep it in place, scratching the tip of the pen that fluently bled in ink to the final lines with equations that read like simple ABCs to his mind before slapping the paper over and filling the other side.

(Y/n) couldn't be any more pleased with how his first day had gone, and was unusually excited to bring him back every day from here onwards if he desired. And from the adorably concentrated frown to his fuzzy muzzle, she could tell he would agree. He had also helped her in subjects she would claim to be to complex for her brain to compute, his own brain sparking with knowledge to almost everything the teacher would lecture the class on in assumption no one would be sure.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now