45. grand opening

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"Gemma!" I run around the back of the kitchen, trying to compose myself. "Where are the muffins?"

Slinging an arm around mine, my favorite employee stops me. "Kota, they're already out, remember? You put them out first."

My brain clicks and I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, you're right."

Three months ago, Marie decided that she wanted to take a step back from Sweet Exchange, and began to prepare me to fully take over. Because I had already formed relationships with all of the other employees, they agreed to remain here after the switch took place.

By 'all of the other employees,' I mean Gemma and Dereck. Gemma graduated high school this year, and will be going to a local online college to earn a marketing degree, which will also earn her a promotion to my baking assistant and social media director.

Dereck is a forty-five year old man whose rich parents died young, leaving him with a shitload of money from a young age. He met Marie twenty years ago, and from his knowledge of money management, became her financial advisor. After a few years of working for her, he also went and got his degree, making him official. I'm super fortunate, because he refused to get paid more than the bare-minimum, because he says he just wants to help other people the way he was helped.

I also had a generous savings account to make some upgrades in the shop, thanks to Dereck helping me invest some of it. Not to mention the fact that I barely spend time outside of this building, except when I go home. A lot has changed since I moved here.

The past four weeks have been spent re-painting, getting new furniture, and overall giving the small space a facelift. I made sure that Sweet Exchange did not lose its original charm that Marie created, but I also wanted the bakery to feel new and fresh.

Connor, Brooks, and Ellie have all visited at some point, but none of them have seen a single corner of the improved space. Until today, at least.

Today is my grand opening, and I feel like I'm going to puke at any second.

Gemma and I have spent the past forty-eight hours prepping as much food as humanly possible, because not only are we expecting our regulars, but all of our families, friends, and I know a certain two friends of mine will be bringing a large number of their teammates.

"Kota, breathe." Gemma brings me out front, the long line outside visible through the ceiling-to-floor windows. "You've got all of three minutes to compose yourself and slap a smile on your face."

I turn around and wrap the petite girl up in my arms. When I first met her two years ago, she had just turned sixteen and has grown up a whole lot since that day. She quickly became my little sister, and I knew I would fiercely protect this girl from everything bad for the rest of my life.

"Okay, I'm ready." I smile brightly at her as I let go and walk towards the door. "Let's do the damn thing."


I've been running around like a maniac for the past three hours.

Most of our early customers consisted of regulars, who were only able to linger around for a few minutes before heading off to work, but not without buying goodies for all of their coworkers first.

By the time my friends and family arrived, things had finally calmed down enough for me to head over and hang out with them for a few minutes.

"Come here, sweet cheeks," Brooks hollers, wrapping me up in a bear hug. "This is fucking incredible!"

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