12. sit down and shut up*

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(this chapter contains mature content)

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" Parker gives me the puppy dog eyes over facetime.

"Park," I can't wipe the smile off of my face, "I am one hundred percent sure I do not want to tell you about my costume."

This has been the entirety of our conversations for the past forty-eight hours. The second I found out how much Parker actually loves marvel, I knew I wanted to be Black Widow for Halloween tomorrow. Plus, I've always wanted to see what I looked like as a redhead so it's a win-win. Not that I'm going permanent, that'd be terrifying, but Ellie found me color that washes out in less than a week.

"Fine, don't tell me, but have fun making your own drinks tomorrow." He gives me a smug look, thinking he's won.

"Then have fun not being allowed to touch me all night." Two can play this game.

The smugness is wiped off his face immediately, and he quickly sits up. "I take it back, I'll make you as many drinks as you want, scouts honor."

My eyes well up with tears I'm laughing so hard, "I'll believe it when I see it. Goodnight, Parker."

"Is it a sexy cheerleader costume?" He asks for the tenth time.


"I had to, I'm sorry," his smiling face lights up my phone. "Goodnight, love."

Butterflies erupt in my stomach as I end the call. I've had guys use that nickname before, but it's never had an effect on me until Parker. Scratch that, nobody has had this kind of effect on me in general until Parker.

He's the kind of boy you only read about. Kind, funny, and respectful. Not only is he respectful of me as a person, but also of my time. There's been a few instances now where Parker will as me to hang out, but I need to study, so he'll come over and just sit with me. He doesn't talk, he just sits quietly while I work, as if being in my presence is all he needs.

But if this boy waits much longer to make it official, I'm just gonna do it my damn self.


"Holy shit. Parker is going to drop fucking dead," Ellie nods her head in approval, standing behind me in the mirror.

I can't lie, I feel hot. My usually long brown hair is now tinted red, the latex catsuit is squeezing me in all the right places, and my black boot heels make my legs look long and lean. After the way Parker zoned in on my covered chest earlier this week, I didn't zip up the suit all the way, allowing my push-up to really show the girls off.

Ellie has gone full cowgirl for the night, and she even bought hot pink boots for the occasion. Normally, we do matching costumes, but she watched The Longest Ride last month and Scott Eastwood swayed her in another direction.

We take a few pictures while waiting for our Uber, and I'm practically sprinting out the door once it arrives.


"No fucking way," Brooks is the first to see us arrive, and his eyes widen when he takes in our outfits. "You both look hot as shit," he grabs our arms and pulls us through the crowd. "The boys are in the kitchen, and I want to see Parker's reaction to this," he yells back at us.

"Cadell, I've got a present," Brooks announces as we enter the room.

Parker looks up from the drink in his hand, eyes meeting mine for only a second before they slowly travel the length of my body as I walk to him. I can't judge though, because this is the first time I've seen him without a shirt, and damn am I enjoying staring at his six-pack. I just wish he'd take the jacket off so I could see the ink on his arm I like so much.

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