38. alone

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Ellie and I decided to mix things up tonight and head down to the glass for warmups. Normally, we'd just hang out at our seats behind the bench, but this way the boys will be able to see us easier.

After my birthday the other day, Parker had to distance himself a bit between classes and practice. He still ends up in my bed at the end of every night, which is something I know needs to end soon. Little does he know, that will be tonight.

It's not that I don't want him to spend the night, I always do. It's just that every time I've dozed off before he comes over, I've had a nightmare, and I'd much rather have him a few minutes up the street than hours away when I try to go a whole night alone.

A loud bang on the glass pulls me from my thoughts.

"Kota!" Connor screams, "give me a bite!"

I tear off a chunk of pretzel and toss it over the glass, rolling my eyes. Connor shoves the entire thing in his mouth and skates off like nothing ever happened.

When I take my usual seat, I bang on the glass and call out to Coach. "What's up, Coopy?"

He slowly turns, giving me the stink eye, and holds up a towel so that I can't see him anymore.


It only lasts for a few seconds, when he drops the towel and smiles tightly. "Glad to see you're okay."

My jaw drops. That's the first time he's willingly talked to me.

The game starts off strong, with Parker getting one goal with Connor on the assist. The guys are on it tonight, and I think it has something to do with the group of five scouts sitting a few rows behind me.

The Seattle and Vancouver scouts keep saying Parker's name, and I'll be honest, it makes me a little nervous.

Here's the thing about getting called up: you say yes to whoever calls first. If you don't, you risk nobody else calling after and missing your once chance. I just have to trust that those Nashville men will be on their game.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Ellie yanks my arm, pulling me to a stand while screaming. It only takes a few seconds to realize that I missed my boyfriend scoring for a third time, securing yet another hat trick.

I start to scream with her, banging on the glass, earning me another jokingly angry look from Coach Cooper. When Parker gets back to the bench, he flexes his muscles, winking at me.

The rest of the game passes by quickly, and before I know it, Ellie and I are standing in the player's exit tunnel.

All three boys emerge at the same time, but before Parker can grab me, Brooks has both of us girls wrapped up.

"Hey baby dolls, did you see me out there?"

I smack a wet kiss on his cheek, "incredible as usual, Brooksy."

When I can finally wiggle out of his grip, I hug Connor for a moment, congratulating him, then move on to the boy smiling brightly at me.

As I go to wrap my arms around his neck, a sudden feeling of deja vu hits me, from the first home game months ago. Only this time is a little different because I'm now deeply in love with the boy whose arms wrap me up in a tight hold.

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