23. birthday oopsie

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"Wake up my beautiful birthday boy," Brooks yells, jumping onto my bed.

"It's not my birthday, dipshit." I croak, my morning voice in its full glory.

I crack my eyes to see Connor chuckling in the doorway, "it's close enough. But seriously, get up. We're leaving in twenty."

Tomorrow is my twenty-second birthday, and since the weather has eased up a bit, the guys and I are going golfing. They only chose this because they wanted 'bro time' and knew that Dakota and Ellie would turn down the invite.

Brooks pulled out three shots the second we started our round, and I should've known that bad things were probably coming.

"You know, boys," Connor wraps an arm around both of our shoulders. "This could be our only year celebrating Parker's birthday while we're living in the same city."

My head shakes, "why'd you have to point that out, Con? Today's supposed to be happy."

Brooks shakes off his arm to walk over and plop a wet kiss on my cheek, "you'll always remain close to my heart, Cadell."

I wipe off his spit, "thanks, I guess?"

Connor laughs, slapping my back before stepping up to tee off.

His shot is good, and he moves back to my side when Brooks starts his five-minute pre-swing routine. It involves inspecting and cleaning each club, then taking at least three practice swings with two different clubs before actually hitting the ball.

"Did you talk to Kota?" He keeps his voice low.

"Yeah, we're all good. She didn't seem to care," I keep my eyes forward so Brooks doesn't think we're hiding a conversation from him.

"Good. I think you two are really good for each other and didn't want it to fuck things up," he says sincerely.

I can't help but smile, knowing that Connor could have easily hated me for making a move on her, being as protective as he is. "Thanks, man. It really means a lot. Have you heard from any more scouts?"

"I have actually. Brooks, get your ass over here!"

He finishes swinging and then moves back down the hill. "What's up?"

"I got a call from Colorado last night," he smiles. "Said to be prepared for an official call-up by mid-March."

"No fucking way!" We both jump on him, hugging him as tight as we can.

"That's awesome, Con. I'm super happy for you," Brooks' eyes start to redden.

"Just don't tell Kota yet, I want her to find out with my family over Christmas," he eyes me.

I pat his back, "secret's safe with me." I even fake-zip my lips to prove my point.

I'm really happy for Connor, but a part of me is also hurting because they have no interest in me. Meaning, that no matter what happens with my career, I only have a few more months of being with both of these guys full-time.

Right now, I don't know where I'll end up. I also don't know where Dakota will, either.

I'll worry about that later.

"Anyone wanna golf-cart race?" Brooks asks, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes as he drives alone alongside Connor and me.

"Oh, you're on, fucker," Connor steps on the gas.

I hold onto the roof tight as he takes a sharp turn, the cart slightly lifting onto only two wheels. Brooks is close behind us, hitting our bumper every few seconds.

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