35. trouble

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The rest of our trip to Tampa was incredible. After new years, Parker loosened up a little more around my parents, meaning I could finally stand within two feet of him.

If I thought he was clingy before, though, I was sorely mistaken. The guys are leaving in a few minutes for their fifteen-day road trip, and not only has Parker been attached to my hip all week, but he's also had at least one hand on me all morning as he repeats my 'rules' for when he's gone.

"Remember," he unlocks my phone again, pulling up the app for the cameras. "This button sets off an alarm and this one calls the police. Whatever you do, don't accidentally turn on the mic so they can hear you talk."

"Yes, baby I know," I take my phone back from him.

With an arm around my waist, I'm guided back to his desk. While they're gone, Ellie and I are staying at the guys' house since Birk can't be at the apartment.

He points to the two identical pieces of paper that he taped to the wood. "This is our schedule broken down by hour, and the times in red are when we won't be able to check our phones at all. I also put one on the fridge and will text you and El another copy so you always have it."

"Come on, Cadell, we're leaving!" Brooks calls from downstairs.

Grumbling some expletives, Parker keeps a hold on me and continues to ramble as we head down.

"You remember Austin, one of our senior defensemen, right?"

"Yeah, he and I used to talk all the time," I assure him.

He taps my phone through the pocket of my jeans, "I texted you his contact info, and I gave him yours. Since he's injured, Coach is having him stay back, so text him if you need absolutely anything."

Letting out a breathy chuckle, I open the front door and gently push him outside. "Thank you, Parker, but everything will be fine."

He looks between the guys and me, knowing they're just waiting for him, but not wanting to walk away from me. He's been on edge for days now, and I know it all boils down to this trip.

"I just-" he blinks hard, sighing. "I need you to stay safe Kota."

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hold him close. "I'll be okay. I'll text you boys every chance I get."

"You better. I'll be on the first flight back if you need me."

I pull away quickly, holding him an arm's length away. "No, Parker. You need to stay and play as hard as you can to guarantee Nashville."

Shaking his head, he leans back in and kisses me deeply. "How many times do I have to tell you?" He whispers against my lips. "You are more important to me than any hockey game. I'm serious. Say the word and I'll be here."

"Cadell!" Connor screams from the car, letting us know they really need to get going.

"I love you so much, see you soon."

He kisses me one last time, looking resigned as he twists the ring that now has a permanent spot on my finger. "I love you, Dakota. Blow my fucking phone up, baby, please."

"I will," I step back inside, watching as he walks down the driveway. "Have fun! Birk and I will miss you all!"

"Miss you already, sweet cheeks!" Brooks yells with his head out the window as they drive off.

I decided to tell him and Ellie about everything before this trip, and he's gone all mama bear on me. Ellie and I cried... A lot.

She feels like this is all her fault, and I hate that she feels that way. Josh is mentally unstable, and this is on nobody but him, no matter how hard she tries to convince us otherwise.

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