25. birthday

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Nothing would be able to wipe the smug smile off of my face as I walk downstairs, hearing my best friends and girlfriend joking with eachother.

Last night was incredible, and it took everything in me to stop from word vomiting my feelings to Dakota. Seeing her laid out bare, trusting me with her whole body was overwhelming.

As if she can sense my presence, her eyes snap up to mine the second I enter the kitchen, and she bounces over to me, wrapping her arms around my torso. I hold her head to my chest, not wanting her to see Brooks air-humping behind her.

"It smells great, love. Thank you," I lightly tug her hair, pulling her head back so I can kiss her.

Connor gags, spitting pancake out. "I had to hear it, don't make me see it too."

I chuckle, pulling Dakota's lips back to mine and shoving my tongue into her mouth while flipping him off with one hand and groping her ass with the other. She only lets me continue for a few moments before pushing my chest.

I look to Connor, "consider it payback for all the bunnies I've had to hear screaming."

He tips his glass of milk in my direction, "well played, Cadell."

"Don't call them bunnies," Dakota chastises, shoving me onto a barstool, "I want to give you your present before you all go to practice."

"What would you prefer we call them?" Connor asks, rolling his eyes.

"Women," she eyes him. "Eat," she points to me.

"Yes, ma'am," I scarf down the tall stack of chocolate chip pancakes she places in front of me with a kiss on the cheek.

When I finish, she puts the boys in charge of the dishes and drags me back upstairs to my room. "Sit," she points at the bed, and I happily oblige, spreading my legs. "You're not getting a blowjob right now, baby," she giggles.

"Oh," I flush, bringing my thighs back together.

She holds out a piece of paper, shifting back and forth on her feet, nerves evident. I unfold it slowly to reveal two tickets for the Hurricanes-Lightning game in North Carolina in a few weeks. Squinting in disbelief, I look closer and realize they're right next to the penalty box.

"Holy fuck, Kota. Are you serious?" My eyes make their way back to hers, wide open.

She moves forward, sitting sideways on my lap and wrapping an arm over my shoulders. "The game is at the beginning of break, so I thought I could maybe come home with you for a few days and we could go together. My plane ticket is refundable if you'd rather I don't."

I have no words, so I kiss her harshly, running my fingers through the hairs that have escaped their clip. "Kota, I'd love it if you came home with me," I keep my forehead against hers as I speak.

"Good because I lied. The ticket isn't refundable," she laughs lightly, kissing me again.

"These are too much though, you could've gotten me nosebleeds and I would have been just as excited" I wave the tickets.

"I've always wanted to sit there, this was the perfect excuse" she shrugs, ending the discussion before it can even begin.

I pause for a second, thinking. "Wait, how did you know when my flight was?"

She blushes, "your mom sent me everything."

Laughing, I nuzzle my head into her neck. "And you refuse to believe she's obsessed with you."


Today's practice was weird.

As I drive to pick Dakota up from class, I keep replaying what happened in my head.

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