20. thanksgiving

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There's nothing that can explain the feeling of coming home after being away for months.

When Connor and I first stepped off the plane Saturday, we dropped our stuff off and immediately went for a drive in his dad's old convertible. We do this every time we're back in Tampa, wanting to hit our favorite beach, walk along Channelside, and go back to the rink he used to play at.

We normally stay there the longest, meeting up with some of his old teammates, and I watch as they skate around, this is the only time some of them get the chance to play.

"Yo, Lowen, you gonna skate this year?" Dean, Connor's old linemate and my tenth-grade ex-boyfriend, asks every time. We dated for three months, breaking up when he realized he played for the other team. He likes to tell everyone I'm the reason he's gay.

"Fuck it. Lace me up," the ten boys cheer. They've never seen me skate before, but thanks to Parker, I won't make a complete ass of myself out there. 

It felt good to finally join in with the boys I've watched for years. 

The only problem with being home is that Connor is sticking to me like white on rice. He keeps talking about how he's had to share me with an extra person, so this is our time 'reconnect.'

Dramatic, if you ask me.

Normally, this would be fine. However, I had to sneak away today to meet with a baker downtown, and my phone has been blowing up with texts the entire time.

Connor: where are you

Connor: your parents said you left right after breakfast this morning

Connor: why are you hiding from me

He even got the other boys in on it.

Brooks: con thinks you're dead. can I have parker if you are?

Parker: baby, please text connor back before I have to block him

Parker: at least text me back

Parker: hello?

Parker: dakota??

I finally turn my phone off completely, needing to make sure I seem professional. Kayla Graff is the greatest baker in Florida, and I'd say I'm killing my interview.


My mind is constantly repeating the words just said to me.

"Well, Ms. Lowen, I'd love to bring you on our team after graduation. Please let us know what your decision will be as soon as possible, but take your time, it's a big one."

My heart is racing I can't tell a soul. Not yet, at least.

My car isn't even in park before my front door swings open and an angry-looking Connor comes barreling in my direction. "Dakota Marie Lowen, where the hell have you been." 

I try to lock my doors before he reaches for the handle, but I'm no match, getting pulled out and flung over his shoulder as he walks me back inside while talking to someone on the phone.

"Connor," I shriek, "put me down before you drop me!"

He throws me on the couch, shoving his phone in my hands, and my boyfriend stares back at me. "Hey, baby."

My eyes trace over his newly-cut hair. "You look hot," I smirk.

"Right back at you."

The phone is snatched from my hands. "No," Connor yells at Parker. "You're supposed to be grilling her for me."

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