32. tears

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I've been home for four days, but my mind keeps going back to the night I told Parker that I love him. I still can't believe it.

To be honest, I wasn't planning on saying it yet, but when the topic came up it just felt right. I think Parker feels the same because he said it twenty-seven times the next morning until I left, and yes, I counted.

It also happens to be the number on the back of his jersey which makes me smile.

"You look smug," Brooks plops down onto the couch beside me, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

After the Thanksgiving incident, Brooks didn't hesitate to come here for break instead of going home. All of our parents were more than happy to take him in again, they really do see him as one of their own.

He hasn't spoken to his father since, but all of his credit cards still work, so we're assuming his mom is the one keeping his accounts open.

"I'm just thinking," I counter, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm really happy you're here with us."

He kisses the top of my head, "me too, Kota. You know, I'm really gonna miss you when I leave."

"Oh my god, you're gonna make me cry," I turn further into him.

"No tears, baby girl, not yet. You can cry when I get on that plane though, I'd really appreciate that."

"Deal," I laugh, blinking rapidly until my eyes dry up.

He cranes his head, checking every entrance to the living room. "I heard something."


"I heard you're in L-O-V-E," he smirks.

Letting out a strangled squeal, I detach myself from him and run upstairs to my room. I haven't told anyone, so I know just who did.

Me: parker...

Parker: yes?

Me: you told brooks

Parker: technically, I told Connor and he told Brooks

Parker: did you not anyone to know???

Me: no, it's okay. You've just opened pandora's box

Parker: I should've guessed haha

Parker: also, i love you and I miss you

Me: yeah, yeah get in line

Parker: how do I cancel a flight?


Me: I love you too, see you soon <3

Christmas is only a week away now, and he's flying in on the twenty-eighth so we can show him all there is to see around here.

Speaking of Christmas, I still have to get presents for him and the other boys. I'm at a loss for all of them.

Normally, Connor and I do joke gifts since we'll buy eachother things randomly throughout the year anyway, but this could be our last normal holiday together, so I want to get him something meaningful.

Just as I'm about to start online shopping, the man himself knocks once and pops his head inside my room.

"Kota, you busy?"

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