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can we talk pls?
read 10:58 am
riles please, i didn't think
u would be mad. u wanted
me to be happy.
read 11:01 am
don't make me come over.

why should i be happy for u?
your dating my toxic and abusive ex!
i have no reason to be
happy for you.
now please stop texting me.

you have now blocked gracie

great way to start my morning. i heard two soft knocks before someone opened my door.

"hey riley, um someone is here for you at the door." she said, sad. i furrowed my eyebrows, before getting up and going down the stairs.

i saw my front door was open, and i slowly walked out to the front porch. i have watched to many scary movies to just casually walk outside when the front door is open.

i saw rudy standing by the street and i started running as fast as i can, running into him hugging him. he lifted me off the ground and hugged me tightly. i started to cry.

"it hasn't even been a month why are you back?" i said, in between cries. he set me back down and pointed towards jaden. his whole family was watching us, they recorded my reaction when i saw rudy.

i jogged over to jaden, "you did this for me?" before he could even speak i hugged him.

"well it was for you and reese but we could sat for you." he said, melting into the hug. "thank you." i muttered.

i saw reese hugging rudy, she somewhat had her moment with rudy before she got me. i let go off jaden and smiled at him before running back to my family.

i saw madison and chase walking towards our house and me and reese ran towards them, both of us happy to see them. madison screamed, not knowing who to hug first.

"were so sorry we didn't be good co siblings!" chase said, in a group hug with the both of us. me and reese started to laugh.

"oh yea and if gracie says anything to you im beating her ass." madison whispered in my ear, me smiling and giving her another hug. "i love you guys." i said smiling ear to ear.

"i think theres something you need to do." she said smiling, and pointing behind me. i turned around and saw jaden behind me. i walked towards him and he began to talk.

"so i know a lot has happened to you recently, and you for sure need a break from the world. would you wanna go on a date with me?" he asked me. i didn't respond, instead i leaned in and kissed him.

when i pulled away, i asked him, "is that a good answer?" he nodded excitedly, smiling. hugging me again.

𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬; jaden waltonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang