7. Extra - Wedding Night:

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Just because Cui Xi didn't get to attend Xiao Hei and Xiao Yu's wedding, doesn't mean we can't. So here you are!


Xiao Hei sat quietly for a moment, taking a sip of his wine as he stared out into the garden of the Murong General's Manor in the capital.

The preparations had gone on for days and finally it had been the auspicious hour to conduct the wedding ceremony which he barely remembered.

The guest were still in the banqueting hall carousing and making lewd jokes, and he had just needed take a moment to absorb his shock. Tonight was the night that he would enter the nuptial chamber as Xiao Yu's husband. As Xiao Yu was covered in her veil, he wasn't able to see her expression when they had bowed to each other, and he wondered if she was as nervous about their first night together as he was right now.

Feeling the need for some fortification, he took another mouthful of wine and gulped it down.

"Oi..." said Zhao Yu, coming up from behind him.

"Oh, it's you," Xiao Hei scowled.

"Is that the expression of someone who just got married to the woman he loves?" his cousin teased.

"Shut up."

"A'Shi...you won't be able to get it up if you drink that much. No bride likes it soft on their wedding night."

"Zhao Yu! Who allowed you to speak that way about my wife?" Xiao Hei growled.

Zhao Yu chuckled.

"Easy...I meant no insult, but don't get drunk. It's important to be able to talk to your bride on your wedding night. My brother made the mistake of getting pissed and missed an important opportunity to build an understanding with his wife...something that I took full advantage of later when I took her maidenhead."

"Y-You...You..." Xiao Hei, stood up, eyes blazing.

"I'm not trying to sound like scum. Women are at their most receptive when they give that part of themselves up the first time. If Zhao Lu had just taken a moment to be kind and considerate, he would not have the poor relationship he currently has with a wife he doesn't love."

How are you not scum?

"His situation and mine are not the same," Xiao Hei retorted.

"No, you're right. That's why, I think you should stop drinking and go to her...Oh...and Tao asked me to pass this to you..." Zhao Yu smirked.

Xiao Hei's eyes widened, and he snatched the letter from Zhao Yu's hand.

"Why didn't you say this first?" he asked, staring at the seal as Zhao Yu laughed at him.

"Go, go, go...read it with your wife."

But of course, Xiao Hei didn't hear what Zhao Yu said as he was already running towards the bridal chamber with the letter gripped in his fist. Bursting in through the doors, he made Xiao Yu flinch where she sat waiting on the bed. He stumbled in and sat down heavily next to her, wheezing like a stuck pig.

"Ah...sorry..." he muttered, face ablaze with haste and wine.

"A'Shi? Husband...?" she asked tentatively.

He stopped, flushing for a completely different reason, and then felt himself become uncomfortably hard.


"Xiao Yu," he said softly, swallowing. "Uhm..."

"The veil..." she said.


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