Part III - Beloved of the Seventh Prince: 44. Return

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The sun had just risen when Yang Ming Xi heard the sound of hooves beating a tattoo into the ground as horses rushed up the narrow path at breakneck speed.

Gods! There's still snow on the ground here on the mountain...why would anyone be coming here right now?

He exited his home with a frown wondering what kind of medical emergency required that type of haste, and was surprised to see that the two men hurriedly leaping down from the saddle were actually messengers of the Emperor.


"Taiyi* Yang Ming Xi!" cried the first soldier, taking out a golden tube and unfurling the yellow silk scroll held within.

An imperial decree!

"Yang Ming Xi here!" he dropped to his knees and bowed, trembling with fear and excitement. Does this mean...?

The soldier tugged one side of his moustache and grinned.

"Yang Ming Xi, by the order of the Emperor, you are hereby pardoned of your crimes. Your exile is now at an end. You are therefore ordered to return to the capital immediately to take up residence with your daughter Yang Wan Yu and to continue the practice of medicine for the benefit of the populace, to be called upon by the Emperor at any time. The Emperor is gracious and wise! Do you accept the decree?"

"Yes! I accept! I accept!" he said, raising his shaking hands up over his bowed head to receive the roll of cloth, not daring to believe it. He stood hastily, ignoring his wet knees, and ran inside to get the two men hot tea, which they took gratefully.

Throwing it back, and wiping their mouths on their sleeves, they thanked him and prepared to depart for the long journey back to the capital.

"Heh, old man, you are lucky to have such a filial daughter. It is said she begged this favour from the great Cosmetics Goddess who danced for the Emperor...instead of becoming a Consort, the Cosmetics Goddess asked for your return. You must make haste to see your child, old man," laughed the soldier.

"Ennn," he grunted, waving at them as they recklessly spurred their horses back down the mountain.

Unrolling the decree himself, he read An He's familiar writing, rubbed an astonished finger across the vermillion ink of the Emperor's seal, and then collapsed to his knees in the dirty snow, weeping. It didn't matter that Zhao Ling Shaung had not written it himself. The most important part was the thing that Yang Ming Xi had planned, schemed, and waited to see, had finally arrived in his hands.

Though his position had not been reinstated, and he would not be accompanied by his devoted wife, he would be reunited with the daughter who was so much like her. Furthermore, he would now be able to return to the capital without lowering his head to those dogs who had tried to destroy him.

I have kept my promise. I will return to the capital to exact my revenge on the ones who harmed my family.

Unfortunately, there was just one more matter to resolve before that could be achieved. Slowly rising, he entered the house and stared down at the star and moon seal stamped into the letter sitting on his writing table.

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