Part IV - The Western Emerald: 68. House of Changping

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Zhao Lu, the Changping Shizi*, lay in bed staring up at the ceiling of his inner room.

The window was half open and the morning's breeze stirred through, gently shifting the thin curtains surrounding his bed. He sat up, swung his legs over the edge, and put his feet down next to his boots. Sitting naked, he felt at his long hair which had once been gathered in a ponytail and found that it was completely sidewise from the previous night's activity. He smiled slightly to himself.

Absently, Zhao Lu pulled the ribbon out and was about to re-secure it when an arm snaked around his body. He was pulled up against the cool naked chest of a golden-haired man with light skin, blue eyes, and handsome foreign features. A hand swept Zhao Lu's long hair to the side and lips feathered across the place where his neck and shoulder met. There was a throaty chuckle from behind as the man wrapped long legs around Zhao Lu's still boyish frame.

"Master..." whispered the flaxen haired man. "Let me do it."

Zhao Lu let a bit of air out his nose and allowed the strong fingers to gather his loose hair up into a high ponytail, leaving a strand hanging ravishingly over one eye.

"Your skin is so lovely," the man murmured, securing the hair with the ribbon and placing his hands on the jade smooth shoulders in front of him. As Zhao Lu's head was turned with one hand, another reached down between his legs.

"Jin!" he said warningly, catching the wrist of his lover's hand, just before a pair of lips touched his own.

"Elder Brother, I've come to greet you!" shouted Zhao Yu just outside the door and then it banged open without any further warning.


Zhao Lu sighed and leaned back into the arms of his lover who looked annoyed, but good naturedly resigned as Zhao Yu flapped into the room and threw himself gracefully into a chair.

Zhao Lu rolled his eyes and stood up, taking his robe from the floor where it had been discarded and slid into it. He sat down opposite his younger twin brother and hooked one white knee over the opposite leg.

"You're in a good mood," Zhao Lu observed.

Zhao Yu smirked. He took note of the trail of clothes leading from an overturned Go board and the white and black stones that had been scattered everywhere. His brother had obviously spent the night enjoying himself...unfortunately, the day's business could not wait.

"Oh, good morning Jin," Zhao Yu said with a sardonic lean to his head. He smiled brilliantly at his brother's lover and snapped open his fan to fan himself.

"Second Young Master," Jin nodded with a friendly grin.

The sheet slid down slightly over Jin's hips as he shifted to lean back against the bedpost. Zhao Yu fanned himself a little bit harder, his smile settling on his lips.

"Ahhhh! What a view..." Zhao Yu remarked. Unlike his brother, Zhao Yu appreciated both sexes equally...and Jin was a very fine specimen despite being a foreign barbarian.

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