Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 87. Mixed Signals

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When Cui Xi slid the door open, she was confronted by two guards that she had not seen in the manor before. No one had come to see about attending to her or even checked to see if she wanted to eat something. Although she wasn't starving, she thought it was strange that she had seen none of her people today.

"Where are Su Qing and Su Rou?" she demanded. "And Murong Shi?"

"Your Highness, the prince sent them out of the manor for errands. They'll return soon," said the guard.

'Your Highness'...I can't get used to being addressed like that...

When she had received the emperor's letter, she had been shocked to find that she had been proclaimed a princess.

Looking more closely at the guards, she suddenly realized that they were dressed in matching dark blue robes, and the more she looked at their faces, the more familiar they seemed to be.

Wait! Why has A'Xian posted guards from the Anxi army here?? Without the order of the emperor, the army cannot enter the capital! What the hell is going on?

"Your Highness, we met before, a long time ago," said the shorter one, sheepishly scratching his head. He had realized from the look on her face that she recognized them.

"You're both from that time..." she said. "When I ran into the Bedou..."

"Yes, your Highness," the younger, taller one said as he broke into a gentle smile, and then he bowed deeply. "It's an honour that you still remember."

"No, I was always grateful for your help that time, but what are you doing here in the capital? Why are you not at the border?"

They both slid their gazes away.

"It's alright," she said quickly. "I know if you can't tell me then that's because of the prince's order. That's fine. I don't blame you."

"Thank you, your there anything we can do for you?"

She went pink, looking uncomfortable.

"Well, I haven't eaten yet today..."

Both men looked at each other startled. Then they exchange a glance that was full of pity before their expressions became complicated.

The taller one, rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.

"I'll go make an inquiry about it, your Highness. I'll trouble you to wait..." he said, sounding apologetic, and nodding to the other, he went in search of some help.

Cui Xi blinked.

Eh...? Did I actually just become the harem manhua's abandoned concubine? Don't tell me A'Xian decided to lock me up in this place! Kyaaah!

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