Part III - Beloved of the Seventh Prince: 37. The Murongs

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"The Mistress is working herself to death again..." said Xiao Hei.

Xiao Yu nodded.

"Well, we all knew when the Prince took her away into the garden that something happened. I'm just not sure what it is...If he confessed to her, you'd think she'd be I don't think that's what happened," she frowned.

"Ennn," he grunted.

"But...let's put that aside for now...Xiao Hei, you still haven't explained about Murong Yan. Don't you think you owe myself and A'Xi an explanation?" she asked. "You weren't avoiding us, were you?"

He heaved a sigh and turned to her, but noticed that her expression was patient rather than judgemental. She waited with a small smile hovering on her lips.

"Alright, let's go find the Mistress," he nodded towards the courtyard, where he could hear the sounds of sparring. Entering the courtyard, he stopped and leaned against the moon gate, holding Xiao Yu back. She looked at him in surprise, but he jerked his head towards Cui Xi and Su Qing. They were fully would not be good to interrupt them.

They watched the exchange of blocks, chops, and kicks with interest.

"She's getting better," Xiao Yu observed.

Xiao Hei smiled. Even with her untrained eye, if Xiao Yu could see it, then the Mistress was definitely getting better.

"Hup, hup, hup!" Cui Xi said to herself.  Skidding backwards, she slammed her back foot down to stop her momentum. Her body was turned slightly with her left fist straight out in front of her, and her right fist pulled back. The snake ring glittered on the index finger of her right hand.

"That's better, Mistress...your close quarters combat skill is improving, but it's a shame that your internal cultivation is a bust..." Su Qing jibed.

"Did you just call me garbage?" Cui Xi asked, smiling slightly. "I'll show you garbage! Again!"

They danced some more.

Xiao Hei grinned. Despite the inability to cultivate, she never stops trying to learn. He admired that about her.

"Su Qing, let's stop here. Looks like Xiao Hei has something on his mind..." she said, relaxing her guard.

"Ennnn," said Su Qing, straightening. "Well, then I'll step down, Mistress," she said, bowing and leaving.

"Well? What's the matter?" Cui Xi asked, picking up a cloth to wipe her face. She tossed it down onto a bench and sat, folding her arms across her chest, stretching her legs straight out in front of her with tidily crossed ankles.

"Mistress...I want to tell you about my identity..." he began, but she interrupted him.

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