Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 25. Priestess

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"Reporting to his Highness," a guard strode in, and immediately went down on one knee, hands crossed against his chest. "We have discovered the location of the Princess. One of our informants encountered a trader of the Bedou who recognized her. She was in the northwest, but she is now currently in Tiansheng's capital."

Green eyes glared.

"Ehh? Why did the girl run off to that place? I thought she didn't want the engagement?"

The Crown Prince of Xiyu* leaned back in his chair, his dusty boots propped on the desk in front of him, ruining the letters that were scattered all over the surface. He frowned, noticing that there was blood on the toe of his boot from kicking the man who had previously owned this desk. The person in question lay sprawled to the side, dead on the floor.

Useless garbage*.

"Replying to your Highness...the Princess..." the guard hesitated.

"Yes?" was the lazy response.

"The Princess appears to have no memory of who she is. She is currently a celebrated cosmetician in the most famous pleasure house in the capital...."

This made the man with the green eyes sit up.

"A pleasure house! Is she still...what is she doing there?" he asked. Yesil, what the hell are you up to?

As he thought of his pretty little sister, his body tightened.

"The Princess only appears to be part of the running of the business...she is known as the Cosmetics Goddess. However, the Crown Prince, Seventh Prince, and the Eldest Prince have all taken special interest in her."

"Hmmnn. Well that's good too! My dear little sister may still be a useful little chess piece," he mused. "Mother, what do you think?"

Red stained lips stretched over bared teeth as the mouth curled into an open snarl. The thin face would have been attractive, but for the twisting blue patterns tattooed into the forehead and the band of black paint that ran from the top of the brows to the top of the cheek bones. Expression taut with irritation, she looked more like a demon than a woman.

The Prince smiled.

The bone, shell, and feather headdress crowning her head made small knocking sounds as she glided toward the guard out of the deep shadow of the tent. As she leaned over him, the long braid of hair that came down the side of her partially shaved head dragged on the ground.

"Priestess!" the guard trembled, putting his arms flat before him.He knocked his head to the floor and remained prone. The anger of the Prince's witch would frighten even the bravest warrior...but it was not directed at him.

" recall that I can curse you with infertility. Calling me 'Mother' is not appropriate. You must address me as Priestess," she said calmly, although her face retained it's twisted expression.

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