Part I - Born of the Water Moon: 11. Caravan

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The pace of the caravan was slow allowing Cui Xi to enjoy the scenery coming down from the mountain and out into the northwest of the kingdom. The landscape here was made of stunning contrasts: breathtaking forests could turn into sparkling rivers with shale banks and then into hot and dusty sand valleys of red rock, expanding out into the shores of wide salty lakes. Cui Xi had never seen such magnificent colours. She'd been terribly sheltered in her previous life and had not seen much of the world; to have a chance to travel now filled her heart with satisfaction.

Jingling camels, heavily laden wagons, and fine carriages carrying wealthy merchants made a train of riotous noise as they made their way toward the capital. The caravan was about ten vehicles in total and a myriad of men, women, and even children travelled with them. Cui Xi and Xiao Yu often found themselves walking alongside, chatting aimlessly with the other women and children.

Yang Ming Xi had cautioned them that only the caravan leader knew that they were his daughter and foster daughter, so Cui Xi and Xiao Yu agreed that they would act as mistress and maid while they travelled. Not wanting to attract attention, Cui Xi also wore a white veil over the lower half of her face, which ended up having the opposite effect as curious children would gather to ask about it, calling her Bai Jie Jie, or White Elder Sister. It was at this time that she came up with the excuse that she had been scarred by fire.

"Miss? Water?" asked a young man, startling Cui Xi out of her reverie as she stared at the fiery sunset. He held out a hollowed half gourd full of water.

Xiao Yu appeared out of nowhere and took it, very discreetly poking a silver needle in before handing it to Cui Xi.

"Mistress," she smiled with her eyes indicating that the water was fine.

Although there was really no reason to doubt the young man who worked under the caravan leader, Cui Xi did not mind Xiao Yu's vigilance.

"Thank you," she nodded to the young man, who grinned. She turned away, raising the veil, and noticed that the young man was trying to peak at her face. Hmmph! So, this is an excuse to see what I look like!

He filled it again when she handed it back to him and then passed it to Xiao Yu who glanced at him over the gourd, taking on a slightly unfriendly look.

"We will camp here by the river," he informed them without any excess conversation. Then he bowed slightly and left.

Cui Xi nodded and turned back to the stunning orange and reds staining the open terrain with a molten glow. She sighed with pleasure.

"Xiao Yu, I know you miss home, but is this not beautiful?"

"Very beautiful," Xiao Yu agreed, smiling gently. "Don't worry about me, Mistress. I miss Da, but it's better to avoid trouble. At some point, he will come to the capital himself." She did not bother to explain that this was already the plan.

"Look!" Cui Xi suddenly pointed.

A small group of horsemen had come down to the opposite bank of the river. As they were at a narrower part of the river, Cui Xi could make out the faces across the way and her eyes met those of a youth. His hair was pulled back into a rather austere bun revealing a face that had not quite discarded its boyishness. He was not adorned except for a bit of leather with a plain wooden pin thrust through his hair. Cui Xi could tell that he was probably only a year or two older than her, maybe eighteen or nineteen? He looked curiously at her, his hands lazy on the reins of his horse, causing it to wander along the bank. As the animal moved too far away, he had to twist around to continue looking only to flush with embarrassment when he heard the snorts and hoots of laughter from the older men in his party.

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