Part III - Beloved of the Seventh Prince: 53. Red Veil

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Zhao Ling Xian folded his arms, sitting in the main hall. Then he unfolded them and tapped on the armrest, leaning his jaw on one fist. The memorial containing a report from the northwest sat in front of him remaining untouched.

Outside in the courtyard, a few men loitered while drinking wine and admiring the gifts that the prince's steward was receiving on his behalf. Although this was not an official marriage, the Cosmetics Goddess was well known, and a number of officials had already stopped by the manor to chat and congratulate him. Yang Ming Xi was also there, and surprisingly quite a few of the officials had stayed to speak with him, although there were those who still avoided him like the plague, fearing that the stain of his exile had not been completely wiped clean by the Emperor's pardon.

Very soon, the Seventh Prince wouldn't be able to delay playing the part of the host, though he had begged off when the military report had arrived. This had led two of the older officials to joke at his expense.

"You shouldn't be working so hard today, your Highness," one had said in an admonishing tone. "You must save your energy..."

The other had then smirked.

"Indeed...for you will be working all night..."

Much to their horror, he'd coloured instead of laughing it off. Realizing that they might have trespassed into forbidden territory, and fearing for their lives, they quickly gave their regrets and beat a hasty retreat.

Still within earshot, one had nudged the other as they hurried away.

"You don't think his Highness is still" the one whispered.

"Do you want to die? Shut up if you want to live!" hissed the former. "Go, go, just go!"

"Impudent," Murong Yan had muttered to himself, watching with some resentment as they escaped.

However, things were getting more awkward as the auspicious hour had passed long ago, and yet the bridal sedan had still not arrived.

Murong Bo opened his mouth to yawn and almost choked at the glare that Murong Yan gave him.

"Tch..." he gritted, looking away, wondering why Murong Yan looked so sour today.

The Seventh Prince's fingers continued to tap.

"Where are they now?" he sighed irritably.

"Still at Heavenly Gate restaurant, your's calmed down a bit from earlier...according to the hidden guard there's less singing now..." Murong Yan mumbled.

"Ennn," the Prince grunted, pushing a slender finger on the pulsing spot between his eyebrows.

That girl!

"Are you sure you want to marry her? What kind of girl runs off with another man on the wedding day?" Murong Bo scoffed.

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