Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 31. Brothers Zhao

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After seeing him at the temple, Cui Xi didn't see Zhao Ling Xian for a few weeks.

However, today, when she went out to the back garden with Su Qing at her side, the Seventh Prince was standing on one of the small bridges, one hand behind his back. Murong Bo was with him. Cui Xi paused and considered turning and walking away, but he called out to her.

She stiffened, and turned back towards him, closing the distance between them.

"Miss Wu?" he smiled politely at her, eyes distant.

"Your Highness," she greeted demurely, curtsying.

She'd been bothered by his politeness ever since her encounter with him at the temple. It was as if he had drawn a clear line by dropping a curtain of formality between them. She should have preferred this, but she didn't like it at all. It made her feel awkward and uncomfortable.

On the other hand, he seemed entirely at ease and completely oblivious to her stiffness.

"I came with the payment requested in your letter. Your maids already took the vase. It's not a blue glaze...I thought a light green one would suit your room better, so I hope you are not displeased. The rest I gave to your shop manager Yue Xia," he explained.

"Thank you. I am grateful Your Highness."

There was an awkward pause.

"Ahh...Will you come walk with me? The koi pond has been lively this morning," she said.

Argh! Why did I say such a thing? she asked herself, mentally beating herself with a stick.

He seemed surprised by her sudden invitation, hesitating briefly, but then nodded.

"I can accompany you for a short time, but I'm expected at the palace," he said.

They walked side by side until they reached the large pavilion attached to the lake, and then slowly circled back. For a time, they said very little to each other, but it wasn't unpleasant.

At last, she turned to him.

"Your Highness must be very busy with the matters at the border, I had heard that some things were still not settled after you returned. Will you go to the western territories again?"

Zhao Ling Xian felt a little surprised that she took such an interest in his affairs. She even sounded worried.

Are you concerned for me, my little cat? He wondered with his lips tipping up slightly.

"I will go again soon. I cannot leave the An Xi army for long. Although Bai Zhi Yi is still there, so I'm not burdened by it. Also, one of my men recently returned with a report and all is well. I will delay my return as long as I can because there is someone in the capital whom I cannot bear to leave*..." he teased lightly, glancing at her from the side.

She flushed.

Ahhh! Her reactions are so cute. How can I maintain any sort of distance when she looks at me with that kind of expression? She would try the patience of the gods...

"Your Highness is talking nonsense*," she muttered, looking away.

He laughed again, feeling a strong urge to kiss her.

Before she could react, he had pulled her into his arms and she stared up at him, startled.

"Xi'er...?" he asked very softly, bending his head down. "Can we start from the beginning again? I really don't want you to hate me."

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