Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 105. Jade Ring

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Six months later

Cui Xi slowly made her way through the forest carrying a small basket. Moving carefully, she stuck to the path, listening to the pleasant chatter of birds. She ignored the tingling heat of swelling in her feet. She knew that A'Yan would probably scold her for leaving the house so close to her time, but she had been feeling stifled staying inside all day.

Despite the company of Murong Yan, it had been a lonely few months. Hidden in the northwest, Cui Xi desperately missed Xiao Hei, Xiao Yu, and her two maids Su Rou and Su Qing. She refused to admit that she missed A'Xian as that would only defeat her resolve. Zhao Ling Ye had passed Hidden Night City to her, and as the City Master she was bound to uphold its rules. A marriage with a royal of Tiansheng was simply not compatible with her duty.

Zhao Ling Ye you were right. It was selfish to use your death to tie me to this knew that I would not be able to abandon such a duty and that I would hurt Zhao Ling Xian in the process. Even if I were to pass things to Tao who is extremely capable, I would never be able to live with the guilt...and so I persevere out of selfish weakness...

Squatting down carefully to select a few herbs, Cui Xi adjusted her basket. The sun was beginning to climb high in the sky and it would soon be too hot to stay outside. As she continued to work, the chattering birds reminded her of conversation she'd had with some women in a village where she and Murong Yan had previously stayed. 

It was exactly that conversation that had made her realize that they would have to relocate again: "Mrs. Yang is your husband not with you?" one of the women had laughed cheerfully, coming up to her. "Are you well?"

Cui Xi nodded, putting a hand on the swell of her belly.

"Yes, thank you. He was making a huge fuss. I was feeling stuffy, so I came out for a walk," she said.

"Don't blame him too much," chuckled the other woman, adjusting the strap that supported the toddler clinging to her back. "He's only being a good husband. Don't walk too far. Go home and rest, alright?"

"Ennn," she said, before taking her leave.

"Gosh that lucky she is! Her husband is so considerate of her..." she heard one woman say to the other as she continued on her way.

"And it doesn't hurt that he's handsome..." laughed the other. "If I were younger and unmarried, I'd chase after him myself..."

"Hush! She'll hear you. She's as big as a house...looks like they'll have a son..."

It wasn't Murong Yan's fault that his looks stood out, and that he looked nothing like a farmer. After discussing it, they'd both concluded that the villagers had become too familiar with them and they had left the village in the middle of the night, settling on their present location halfway up this mountain.

Cui Xi bit her lip and continued on her way, panting slightly as she slowly began to take the path back to the house. She was three quarters of the way there when her water broke.

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