29. Kemo

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Everleigh Dolan

I was getting a FaceTime call and I answered seeing Roman's mama.

"Awe hi!" I smiled at her and a robe was tied around her head causing me to hide a frown.

"It's been a week they've been here and I haven't spoken to you!" She smiled and I laughed.

"I know it's unfortunate." I frowned.

"I have good news. No one knows and I want to tell you first." She whispered and I smiled.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked.

"I was cleared. Kemo did it, I don't have cancer anymore." She laughed and I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Oh my god. Are you serious? What does this mean?" I asked.

"Well, they're keeping me here for about 2 months longer for constant checking and because I don't have a free flight for a while and I'm not paying for that but I can come home after." She smiled.

"Oh that's amazing! You have to let me know when you're coming back." I said and she nodded.

"Can you give me your number? If not it's fine." She laughed and set Roman's phone down while she got hers.

"Of course." I exchanged it with her and I heard the door open.

"Mom who you talking to?" I heard a familiar deep voice and my body trembled as if it wanted to be forced into the screen.

"Oh my baby." He sat by his mom on the bed and looked at me.

"Hi Roman." I smiled and he smirked.

"You can have her now. I just robbed your phone because I wanted girl talk with my daughter. Too many boys in my family." She shook her head and I attempted to not cry as she called me that.

"It's okay. You can talk to her anytime ma." He kissed her cheek and he took the phone as his dad walked by.

"Hi Ev!" His dad popped into the camera and I smiled.

"Hey!" I smiled, moving my now numb feet to dangle off my bed.

"I'd show you Vic but he's sleeping." Roman walked out of the room and went to what looked to be outside.

"Hi gorgeous." He smiled at me as he got into a car.

"Driving somewhere?" I asked.

"Nope." He shook his head and set his phone up so he could lean back.

"How is it?" I asked.

"Oh fuck." He leaned forward and rubbed his face aggressively with his hands.

"Baby I'm so grateful. It's just hard because you're my life, my comfort. I'm trying to just be in the moment and enjoy being with my family again but you're such a staple. I can't wait to see you again." He hummed through his hands.

"It's okay. You'll see me soon, I'll see you soon. You get to see your family and my mom took off this week to be with me. Unfortunately everything is harder away from you but it's only one more week." I mumbled.

"I changed my mind." He said and looked at me.

"About?" I asked.

"I'll fuck you hard the day after I'm back. When I come back it'll be like 9 at night and I just wanna hold you." He pouted and I smiled.

"I'm always a call away daddy. It's actually less than a week away. Like 5 days." I said and he groaned.

"I love you. I love you I love you I love you I FUCKING LOVE YOU EVERLEIGH DOLAN!" He screamed and I immediately turned the volume on my phone down with his loud he was.

"I love you so much. It'll be fine. Enjoy it there, the weathers good, your moms amazing, your dad is sleepy, Vic is a good kid. Enjoy all of it." I said and he smiled at me.

"I love you." He whispered and blew me a kiss.

"Go be with them. I love you so much." I blew a cheesy one back and he smiled before hanging up.

"He's very loud." Momma smiled in my doorway.

"He is." I nodded.

"Karly told me too. Called me after she told you." Momma smiled.

"I know. That's so exciting. I'm so glad she's okay, she's a great person." I said and mom came over to me and we cuddled.

"You're a great daughter and an amazing girlfriend. Thank you for being so good." She gently moved my hair from my face.

"Of course. Thank you for always working so hard." I told her.

"It's my job honey." She kissed my forehead and I relaxed into her as I fell asleep.

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