4. Chalk

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Roman James

I internally screamed as I put myself in physical pain, letting other females kiss me, knowing she feels the pain every time too.

I never had this before she came along and now I refuse to fuck another girl. It wouldn't be pinching just extreme burning.

I was exhausted, I hadn't realized I was in her room, watching all night like that Twilight freak until the sun rose and I left to go on a ride.

I was home, my parents wouldn't be back till later tonight. I suggested a date night because they're too dedicated to jobs and family and sometimes their nicer after a date.

"Roman!" Victor hopped on me and I laughed picking him up.

"I wanna go see my girlfriend! We're gonna do chalk." He smiled.

"I moved my bike for you guys so you can do it on our driveway. Go knock on her door and be extra nice. I'll get the chalk and make dinner." I put him down and he giggled excitedly.

No female has genuinely interacted with my brother and honestly the fact that it was her made my heart soar. No one would know.

I left the front door open as I opened the garage and pulled out bubbles and our large supply of chalk.

I heard giggles and I looked as she was bent over, holding his hand and running with him.

"Let's do chalk Evie!" He smiled and I killed the one about to shove itself onto my face.

I cleared my throat and she stood, smiling at me like I wasn't a jackass when talking about the project.

Fuck the dimples.

"Do you want to eat with us?" I asked, crossing my arms and observing her as she lightly checked me out. It I chose not to be a douche and call her out although the blush from that would be dick-hardening.

"Yea! Our mommy and pa went on a date you should!" I smirked hoping Vic's plea would keep her around.

"Uhm sure, my mom won't be home a while." She nodded shyly.

I nodded and began cooking but spent my time, watching the make a hopscotch and she helped his toss the rocks and I couldn't help but to want to join them.

He's gonna read your mind.

"Romie! Come play." He giggled running to me and pulling on my hand.

I nodded as only some chicken nuggets settled in the oven. Victors favorite.

I put my hand out for the rock in Everleighs hand and she handed it to me, I purposely touched her hand feeling tingles from her soft skin electrocute my body.

I smirked when she blushed and she looked down when she saw my grin.

I looked at Victor.

"You should teach me buddy." I offered.

"Throw the rock." He said and I did.

"Yay now hopscotch till you get it and hopscotch back." He said and I hid a laugh as his explanations aren't specific.

I hoped on two feet then one to gather the rock then did it back.

"There you go!" He giggled excitedly.

"Your turn Evie." He said and I set the rock on my palm causing her to have to take it but she was cautious to not touch me yet I moved my hand up slightly so it failed.

The tingles were addicting.

This was the shit I wanted to see.

She had changed into sportier shorts and a cropped tee. Her hip to waist was to die for.

I watched from behind as she threw it. It hit the eight and my dick hardened I'm excitement as she jumped and her ass moved in the shorts. She jumped back and her tits bounced but it was clear she was held down with a sports bra.

"Good job!" Victor giggled.

"Let's go eat. We can come back after okay Vic?" I asked.

"Is she coming?" He looked up at me and I looked at her.

"If you'd like." She nodded.

"It'd be fine. After we could figure out the project." I said and she nodded up at me.

This project goes for three damn weeks. The more I see her the more excited I get and it fucks with my head.

You have no reason to fight it, fucking take what's yours.

I swear to god.

I pulled the pan from the oven and put the nuggets on different plates.

"Do you want anything with them? Ketchup, ranch, I'm not sure what else." I looked back.

"Ketchup is fine. Thank you." She smiled and I almost fell to my damn knees.

I put the ketchup on all of our plates and got Vic a Hi-C juice, got him his food and he smiled at me.

"Scoot me by her." He said and I chuckled as I moved his chair and things by Everleigh.

I got her, her food and I've never felt so satisfied feeding someone.

"Thank you." She said and I wanted to drown in her slight accent.

"Sure." I grabbed my things and grabbed a bottled water from the fridge, handing it to her and drinking one myself.

"You have an accent." I said and she hummed.

"I suppose." She nodded and I watched her eat making sure it was enough.

"Where your from?" I asked.

"Louisiana. My accent isn't strong enough to recognize." She shook her head.

"I didn't know she had one." Vic said and I thought about it.

"What's the most southern thing you say often that sounds like it?" I asked for fun.

"When I go to a restaurant I'll get a sweet tea." She said and I let a slight smile coat my face.

"I like the way that sounds." I complimented just to see that hot ass blush.

"Your moms is so strong." I said recalling the distinction between the two.

"I know, I'm shocked I lived there my whole life and nothing like that comes from me." She smiled.

"Did you live here your whole life?" She asked me and I made sure to swallow the food before speaking.

"Yup. This exact house too." I said and when Vic was done he wrapped his arms around the one closest arm of Everleighs to him.

"Ready?" He asked.

"She's almost all done. Wait a second." I said and he pouted and she looked confused while she tried eating quicker for him.

"Come on Romie! Come play." Victor smiled and he took my hand in his other one.

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