5. Pressure

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Everleigh Dolan

I stood in the mysterious room of Roman himself and the view of my room and bed was perfect, it was strange.

"Like seeing your room?" A voice asked and I jumped turning around and pressing my palm to my heart.

"I guess." I joked.

He leaned on his door frame.

"What're we doing for the project?" He asked me and walked toward me, I sat on the edge of the window, the breeze on my back.

"Uhm I'm not sure? Something preferably easy." I suggested and he smiled, shining pearly whites and soft lips.

I leaned back and he walked to me, pulling me from the edge of the window by grabbing one arm and the other hand going around my waist.

"How about you sit on the bed." He suggested nervously.

"I wasn't gonna fall." I shook my head.

He didn't let go of me as he switched our places and he sat on the edge.

"There. Now talk." He said and let go of me crossing his arms.

Small needles ignited me from the touch and he smirked as heat prickled my face.

"Uhm, well we have to make some sort of eruption, that can be done with alcohol, baking soda, and Alka Seltzar." I said and he nodded.

A/N don't believe me idk if in even accurate bro😭

He walked to me, off the window seal and pulled at one of my curls with his hand.

"Good idea, then we can record the video, spend our timeless nights just writing papers." He said sarcastically yet serious and I didn't know how to respond.

"Assuming another insult is coming?" I asked and he grinned.

"Nah." He shook his head and let my curl set back in place as the back of his hand dragged along my face.

"However giving you mixed signals is entertaining." He raised a brow.

"I don't know what that means." I shook my head.

"I know." He whispered and just stared into my eyes.

My heart was palpitating.

"How about, you go home, shower, do all of your things you do, sleep good, wake up, go to school, come home, and Victor will be at a cute baseball practice so we can get some of this done Yea?" He asked tugging at my small necklace and I put my hand over the small charm, feeling his hand under mine and a smile plastered to his face.

"That's fine. Bye Roman." I smiled and he laughed as I left.

I thought my knees would give out. When I left I looked up and he was watching me go inside, a wink escaping his eye and I hoped it was some sort of twitch.


I woke up before sunrise and opened my window to its full extent sitting on the space between the inside and outside.

The sunrise began happening, the sky a beautiful pink.

I took a breathe in and exhaled opening my eyes seeing a shirtless guy less than three feet from me.

"Your ass better not fall." He said, aware, like he'd been awake for hours.

"I won't." I sighed, lying my head back and feeling the humid breeze.

"I swear to god Everleigh." He threatened and my thighs clapped together at him saying my name.

"I'm fine Roman."

"Is your mom home?" He asked.

"No. Poor woman's got two jobs. I'm trying to get one but she won't let me." I shook my head.

"Will she have today off?" He asked.

"Yep till 5 tonight." I said.

"Come over and eat with us then." He said and I looked at him, trying to ignore his sculpted body that was covered in ink.

"I don't want you to constantly worry about feeding me. I'm fine." I refused.

"Fucking hell, you're coming over. When I ask I don't ask I tell, come over, eat breakfast. My parents already are making extra food because I would've fed you either way." He said and I looked at him.

"You are so strange." I said and his knuckles were white on the window seal.

"I'll come, I'll eat." I said and he nodded.

"And please never close your window when your home." He said and walked away, leaving me lost as hell.

I got changed into light jeans and a grey crew neck.

I had showered so my curls were tamed and I quickly threw it back in a messy ponytail and some curls fell loose.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag.

I opened my door and Roman stood there.

"You took a while and my parents say have a good day and here." He handed me the plate and grabbed my arm, pushing me back to my table.

"Eat." He said and I sat down eating the bagel and cream cheese with a banana on the side.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded, watching me eat.

When I finished he quickly left, got on his motorcycle and went to what I think to be school.

I left and drove there.

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