Chapter 30: Endgame

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"But even if I could go back, I wouldn't belong there anymore"


The day dawned open, with an icy wind but  hot sun.

It was 8 am, I had already put my uniform back on and headed towards the police station.
My friends and Hanna shall be in here at any minute, and soon I will be able to say that this mess is 100% solved.

When I was in front of the gateway, I saw a tall, black-haired and young-looking man wearing a black hoodie, jeans and a backpack. He seemed to be in a hurry and I instantly windened my eyes as soon as I saw him.


He then looked at me and seemed to be as surprised and relieved as me.


—You are back...

I jumped into his arms and he held me tight.

—Are you okay?!

—I am.
—Are you okay?!

—Why did you do this to me? Why did you leave me again and said all of those things?

—I am so, so sorry.
—Very fucking sorry.
—I never wanted this to happen. And never wanted to do that either.
—I don't even know where to begin.

—What are you doing in front of the police station in the first place?


He then looked at me again.

—Are you wearing a police uniform?

—How do I look?

—Dangerously beautiful.

—You know, I accepted Alan's offer.
—But you will be happy about it.

—Why is that so?

—First, you're going to explain yourself.

—Yes. Of course.
—But this will have to be in private.

—Let's go to my car, then.

—Yes. That's better.

We then headed to my car and entered it.

—The night we met, I made this "deal" with my persecurtors.
—But I think you already know something about it by now.

—I always did.
—But alan confirmed it yesterday.

—So he must've told you that, in this deal, they promised to stay away from you and forbid the police to arrest you as long as I promised to meet them for a trial.

—A trial?!

—They never stopped wanting my head, Vanysh.  But this time they were smarter and put justice and other forces in the middle.
—So me and these people would end this all at once, but within the law.
—Before that, I was threatening them and they were threatening me.  Because of you.
—They have the power to pressure the police and could easily put you in prison. But if I accepted the trial, you would never suffer ever again because of my burden.
—I couldn't bare this idea. I couldn't let you suffer the consequences of my actions. So I accepted it.
—In addition to the basics, which you now know about, there was also this other part of the deal.
—If they lost the trial, I would be free of the persecutions and of all this.
—But if I lost, they could take me.

—Oh my god...

—If this agreement were broken by either side, it would create a big problem. Besides that there would be attacks and this "war" would only get worse.
—As you may have guessed, I won, somehow.
—But I didn't think I would. I was sure this was my end. And so were they.
—And that's why I had to tell you what I had in my heart before it was too late.

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