Chapter 2: You are the key

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''I never meant to find you, but now our paths have crossed each other and we are condemned together.''


It's the end of the day. I just finished the broccoli pizza I ordered and now I'm watching the sky turn into a vivid blue tone while stars and constellations start appearing in the middle of the immensity.

I spent the previous minutes taking a look at that "puzzle", so to speak, the Hacker sent me right after he went offline. I have never seen such a confusing shit in my entire life, but to be precise, it was some kind of "file" with things to decodificate and organize. I think that when part of it it's finished, it unlocks something from her cloud gallery. But something I am sure of is: that hacker is already testing my patience.


It didn't take long for Thomas to finally enter in contact with me. He sent me a message by a conversation app, which, apparently, everyone is now using. Both Thomas and the mysterious guy or girl sent me a message through there.

—Right. Hello! Where have we stopped? -He texted.

—Long time no see. -I answered

—Oh yea, we were talking about your number.

—Yea. But well, who were the others?

—"Others"... who?

—Hm. You can start talking about Dan.

—Dan... He is another story. I'd actually rather not talk about the others.

—Why is that so?

—I don't wanna cause you the wrong impression of them.

That was wierd. I don't know if he is trying to protect his friends or just lying. Because giving information to a stranger could be dangerous or he is trying to cover something up.

—Well, you should be aware of what we know about Hanna's disappearence.
—An unknown number added us to a group chat. The person didn't say anything at first, but then he said: "Hanna is in danger".

—What next?

—I threw some threats at him while I was on my way to her. Even Richy was there, since his garage is 5 mins away from her apartment.

—And then...

—That unknown number left shortly after he sent us an audio. I'll just send it to you.


As soon as I heard that audio, I had my theory confirmed. The Hacker was the one behind it. It wasn't hard to identify, he used the same voice effect and would talk in the very same concrete and mysterious tone. The difference is that, this time, I could say that he saw a ghost and ran a marathon.

"I saw Hanna's kidnapp. She is in danger and we are running out of time!"

—Ok, I heard it. -I told Thomas.

—I don't know what to believe anymore, but I know he is some kind of hacker.

—Yea, I already had the honor to notice.

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